Lisa Smart’s eventual response

Dear Mrs Oliver.

Thank you for the question you submitted to the full council meeting last week. 

It is especially pleasing to hear that our newsletter delivery network is working as it should. We usually rely on party members and supporters to let us know when they receive a leaflet so that we can monitor the effectiveness of our deliverers and I’m delighted that you have added yourself to their number by keeping us informed. Thank you.

Your question related to the questions you have previously submitted to me and I list below the questions I am aware of.

Question submitted to Full Council meeting of 4th October, 2023

As the questioner was present, both Cllr Angie Clark and I responded verbally to this question. The webcast is available for viewing on the council website should anyone wish to watch it.

Question submitted to Full Council meeting of 16th November, 2023

I believe that a question was submitted to me but was deemed to be on a matter previously determined as vexatious by the Council’s Monitoring Officer. As the question relates to a site outside the ward I was elected to represent and dates back to matters five years before I was elected, I do not intend to comment further on this topic.