Drazen Jaksic
Chief Executive
Zurich Insurance UK
Head Office
70 Mark Lane
Thursday, 09 January 2025
Dear Drazen Jaksic
Insurers of Stockport Council
Please listen to what I am saying. Many years ago Stockport Council, ruled almost entirely by the LibDems, put a new primary school on a still gassing toxic waste dump – a former Jackson’s Brickyard – which you may know had appalling contamination histories. The council refused three planning applications in the 1970s because the site was too toxic to build on. It was decided to put a new primary school on that site, although there was another, more popular, safer site available with room for expansion. The LibDem councillors chose to sell that off for housing and use the toxic site instead, which they tried to pretend was clean. There was more planning corruption/fraud involved than you could shake a stick at, which is all clearly documented here:-
When I started exposing their planning corruption they had to shut me up, so they told the Information Commissioner that I was vexatious. I had to try for years to get them to remove the contamination, which they did after a fashion, but the brown asbestos fibres were left on the site. There are reference points on the video proving this is that site:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0rCPnP5H9o
The school opened in 2011. Mesothelioma cases, as I understand it, usually take 25 years to develop. Apart from the school children, the area is very built up. The brown asbestos fibres they disturbed will have travelled. When I pointed out migrant labour was removing lethal brown asbestos fibres using a bin bag and stick and that they didn’t understand their task as they took their own respirators off, I was told I was vexatious. I have the documentary evidence.

When I gave evidence to the Information Commissioner subsequently that I had been correct in every respect, they refused to remove the vexatious branding.
So, I assume you may face potentially huge mesothelioma claims in the future. I think the insurers of the LibDems and the Information Commissioner will have to pay towards any settlements. I couldn’t go to the police about the corruption because of the close connection between Greater Manchester Police and Stockport Council, which is shown in the second case of corruption, which might also leave you with huge damages claims.
This paedophile –
Lord Goddard and the Stockport LibDem councillors repeatedly/maliciously imprisoned this sick, innocent, fiercely protective father of 2 lovely young girls until he died aged 58. The same people as were involved with the toxic waste dump primary school. Two of them, Wendy Meikle and Shan Alexander are still Executive Councillors even today. What on earth may they be currently up to? Mr Parnell’s and his family’s life were destroyed, all because he tried to protect his adopted daughters from the above paedophile. I begged every LibDem Lord, MP, senior official every day to stop what was being done to him. I said they were kicking him into his grave, which they were. Not a single response was received from anyone.
My suggestions going forward? Have some sort of contact point for people undergoing these abuses which might leave local authority insurers with huge claims in the future. Nip the abuses in the bud when they start. It wouldn’t cost much to set up or run, and the potential savings for your industry could be huge.
There is, of course, the case of Mrs Luba Macpherson and Sunderland Council. No-one did their job. No-one listened to a concerned mother worried about her daughter. How much might that claim cost your industry?
I shall cc this to the rogues at Stockport Council. If they wish to dispute matters they can, but I have a very large amount of documentary evidence
I hope you listen; I really do
Yours sincerely
Sheila Oliver
Local Authority Specialist Researcher
Citizens 2022 Committee
c.c. Mr John Edwards
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
c.c LibDems
Stockport Council
c.c. Edward Davey
LibDem Leader