Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:30 AM
Subject: FW: Your election broadcast tonight
Dear Mr Clegg,
I fully endorse Mrs Oliver’s comments – below – in respect of the dreadful treatment which is being dished out by the LibDems in Stockport, where the Lone Stockport Protestor – who protests with very good cause – has been caused (by Stockport MBC employees under the leadership of Cllr David Goddard) to be arrested over 70 times during his 2 year protest.
He doesn’t break the law yet he has been kept in jail overnight on numerous occasions, for no better reason than that Stockport Council will not perform its duties towards troubled and disabled children.
With Police Forces acting as no more than political lap dogs, refusing to investigate killings, it is staggering to think that so much police time and effort at Stockport has been put into intimidating and harassing one well-dressed, polite, quietly spoken man who has a legitimate right to protest – and very good cause to do so.
Under this LibDem Council, various parents have been deliberately treated as if they are no more than a nuisance when their children have been badly treated over years by the so-called Children and Young People’s Disability Partnership, which is run by out-of-control social workers who lie, falsify and deliberately damage children – and their senior officers collude with this……..
These people are bolstered by the rude and insulting Council Leader, David Goddard and a coterie of cover-up merchants on the LibDem Council benches, who show that they have no intention of changing the rotten treatment meted out to disabled and disturbed children and the parents of such children. Their Scrutiny Committees are no more than a bad joke, politely accepting blatant untruths from paid employees instead of carefully scrutinising their actions and insisting that they adequately serve the paying public instead of themselves; and refusing to insist that they abide by the Data Protection Act, Disability Discrimination Acts and other Acts which in theory protect the right of disabled children to exist in peaceful and encouraging circumstances, as they have every right to do.
With the European Convention on Human Rights being constantly flouted, the Data Protection Act 1998 and Statutory Instrument 2006 No 1738 (Children’s Social Care Complaints procedure being constantly ignored, is it any wonder that parents are up in arms about their dealings with Stockport MBC? This council totally ignored SI 2006 No 1738 between 01 September 2006 and December 2008 – and when this is pointed out and evidence is produced, they ‘brass it out’. Their employees are still refusing to comply in any legally accepted sense with that SI.
Please don’t make speeches stating that everything in the LibDem Garden is rosy. It is not. In Stockport it stinks.
Yours sincerely,
(name and address removed by Sheila Oliver)
—–Original Message—–
From: Sheila Oliver []
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 7:04 PM
To:;;; John Schultz;
Subject: Your election broadcast tonight
Dear Mr Clegg
It beggars belief that you can pontificate about civil liberties in your election broadcast tonight, given what is going on here in LibDem Stockport…….
Names, addresses and signatures of council taxpayers deliberately left up on the Council’s website in contravention of Data Protection legislation and only removed when the police and Information Commission were contacted.
Council taxpayers publicly branded as liars and rude and offensive with no evidence ever being produced, despite it being asked for repeatedly over a period of years, parents of disabled children having their signatures forged on care documents and those documents being altered – and then the 70 plus times the police have been called to our gentle, peaceful town hall protestor, who only wants some help with his troubled adopted daughters, which he has been asking for for a decade without success.
Civil liberties, Mr. Clegg – it would be funny if it wasn’t actually tragedy.