This is the drainage problem at Harcourt Street, North Reddish. Councillor Derbyshire, Weldon, Roberts, Bodsworth, Council Solicitor Khan, Chief Executive Boylan and Complaints Supremo Majothi claim I am “vexatious” for raising this matter. Why would that be? Could it be that they are responsible for this situation due to dodgy planning processes?
Roberts says I am vexatious to raise this issue. Why?
Vale View School Posted on Thu, September 19, 2013 10:22- Comments(0)
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Andrew Gwynne looking into why Harcourt Street Recreation Ground land is being fenced off
Vale View School Posted on Sat, September 14, 2013 07:56I got this reply from Andrew Gwynne MP 13th September 2013 at 14.02. It isn’t part of the school – it is land set aside by Sport England for replacement public playing fields :-
“Dear Sheila
Further to your email of 8th September 2012, I have asked Stockport MBC to clarify if the land that has been fenced off is part of the school or public open space.
I’ll come back to you as soon as I receive a reply.
Best wishes,
Shadow Health Minister
Labour – Denton and Reddish”
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Contamination report
Vale View School Posted on Sat, September 07, 2013 16:43The final contamination report showing the entire school site to have been contaminated with lead, arsenic and brown asbestos. Councillors Weldon, Derbyshire and Goddard et al pretended the site was safe to build on with no contamination remediation whatsoever. Dangerous people – don’t trust them with your money or your children’s safety.
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Anyone who asks about the toxic waste dump school is deemed “vexatious”
Vale View School Posted on Mon, August 19, 2013 18:08It is not just me who is allegedly “vexatious” for asking about the dangerous, fraudulently built, on brown asbestos, with funding adrift by millions of pounds Vale View School. Famous and dogged FOI campaigner Mr Alan Dransfield is naughtily “vexatious” too, according to Khan, Council Monitoring Officer.
Email sent 19/08/13 at 16.41
“Dear Mr Khan
In your last letter to me you have relied on section 14 (1) vexatious and repeated requests as justification for your refusal. You also claim “numerous ” FOIA requests from me has justified your vexatious decision.
Please provide me with a firm record of ALL my FOIA requests to you and if necessary please treat this as a NEW FOIA request in the last 24 months.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield”
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Sustainable drainage system Vale View School
Vale View School Posted on Mon, July 01, 2013 20:08Email sent 1/7/13 at 20.06
Dear FoI Officer
It would be financial and environmental fraud if, as appears to be the case, there is no sustainable drainage system at the toxic waste dump school as per the Environment Agency’s instructions. I have checked for petrol interceptors and I can’t find them. I may, of course, be wrong – I often am.
So, I shall in one week’s time write to the Chief Executive and every member of the Board of the Environment Agency asking them to check for me. There is an important aquifer under the school. It is a shame to have to waste their time like this, but I have been trying for years to get a reponse from highly paid panjandrums at SMBC without success. I assume if there is none, then having had this matter brought to their attention at a very high level, the C Exec and Board would have no option but to take action. Who knows?
So, unless I receive details of the sustainable drainage system at Vale View School by next Monday am, I shall write to the Board, as I have had to do with Sport England and the apparent £600,000 playing fields fraud.
Please make sure the FOI response, should I ever get one, is signed by the person refusing to disclose the information and not by someone junior who might end up carrying the can.
Kind regards
PS Obviously, if this hasn’t been properly done for the school, then it is unlikely to be properly done for the A6 to Airport Road. I shall put this email up on my blog for all to see.
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Famous Alan Dransfield on Khan’s case
Vale View School Posted on Mon, July 01, 2013 16:52Email sent 30th June 2013 at 20.45
Dear Mr Khan
As you are aware, we have two outstanding issues which you have failed to convince has been provisioned at the Vale View School
1.The missing external football pitch and changing rooms which were costed into the original contact at £660K
2.The Petrol/Oil Interceptor.
Would you now please elevate these matters to your immediate line manager. As the Legal Advisor to SMBC, I am sure you will be fully aware of the Fraud Act 2006 and in particular misrepresentation claiming 1 &2 have been provisioned with the full knowledge they have NOT been provided IS fraud.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
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Birchfield Drive – Is this in store for North Reddish too?
Vale View School Posted on Sun, June 16, 2013 08:42There seems to be an attitude running through councils.
In the above incident, they are spending lots of money but the work hadn’t even started to get the landfill gas under control. What was the key hold up between the parties? (No doubt this is encouraged by the lawyers).
Peel Holdings were to compensate residents for their additional costs – this had not been foreseen when fixing the £900 goodwill from Peel.
Cut through the legal arguments; this is in the hands of Peel Holdings and the Salford Council and should be capable of being resolved ASAP to show some semblance of goodwill and civic responsibility. Otherwise the professionals run up a bill which Peel and Salford Council will have to explain to their principals who include council taxpayers.
They should set a real/sincere deadline for completion of the remediation work.
They should produce an analysis of their spending up to now – to show costs not directly attributable to the project (e.g., legal fees).
They should get a similar cost figure from Peel Holdings.
They should make an honest estimate of the cost yet to come and agree to split this between the parties.
They should get moving – whatever differences may exist they shouldn’t prolong the agony, especially if the start is further delayed with further cost to council taxpayers.
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Money spent on Vale View School so far
Vale View School Posted on Sat, June 15, 2013 07:48Expenditure 2006 – March 2011 – £3,699,212.00
Expenditure 2010/2011 includes architects fees of £151,507.45 paid to the technically bankrupt NPS Stockport.
Expenditure 2011/2012 – £3,821.955.42 including £130,131.18 of architects fees paid to the technically bankrupt NPS Stockport.
I await the figures for 2012/2013.
This is one very expensive school and a nice little earner for NPS Stockport. The original cost was to be £5.5 million, although two months after that figure was officially published the cost of the school had gone up by another £2.5 million. “Why”, I asked? “Don’t be vexatous”, they replied – and they still do!
These documents can be more clearly viewed at –
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