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Stockport Council News

Does anyone really want it?

Bypass Posted on Sat, January 11, 2014 18:53

100 letters of objection, 117 letters received, nine in support, 102 against and a petition from 33 people raising concerns about constructing a bridge over train lines.

Does anyone really want this LibDem vanity project? Millions have been spent on it already yet Friends of the Earth point to “a wide range of detrimental environmental, economic and social impacts that contradict national objectives and legal obligations”

The LibDem Executive should address the illegalities before embarking on an expensive compulsory purchase programme involving 178 landowners.

How much will the road for votes compensation bill come to?

Bypass Posted on Wed, December 18, 2013 17:56

18 December 2013 09.20

Dear Mrs Oliver,

I am writing in response to your request for information (ref FOI 8046).

The relevant Council Service(s) has searched for the requested information and our response is as follows.

The business case contains the budget allocations for the scheme. It was published in November 2012
20 November 2013 18:34

Hi Mr Oldfield, hope you are keeping well.

I learn from today’s excellent Stockport Express that no-one has any idea of the potential compensation claims for the Airport Road. I believe it is going to planning application stage. When will those figures be available even as a ball park figure? You will see from the attached that the costs could even be £114 million!

Kind regards


Bypass will be thrown out at public inquiry wasting £millions

Bypass Posted on Tue, December 17, 2013 05:37

“Dear FOI Officer,

Many thanks for persevering with the Council to release this location data previously withheld on the basis of it being impractical to download from their data base.

I am fairly certain that the data is in a truncated form of the National Grid Reference format but with the 100km grid reference omitted. As it is it might be several places in the UK. Could you please confirm this location data in the normal format.

Locations 36 and 37 appear to be the only ones actually within a few meters of the road edge on the existing A555. No measurement is shown but a note explains;
‘* Inadequate data capture – not used’

Nearby measurements 70m from the A555 on the Hall Moss Lane B road are recorded as 35.5ug.

Locations 36 and 37 are the only two out of 64, that are missing data but they would have probably indicated Air Quality Directive exceedances based on nearby successful recordings.

Please send me;

– the details of how the data was not successfully recorded

– any related correspondence particularly concerning the possibility of repeating the measurements

Kind regards,

Steve Houston”

Tendering Evaluation Process

Bypass Posted on Sun, December 15, 2013 11:41

How on earth did blacklisting firm Carillion win the tender for the Cheadle Constituency Link Road for votes, when SMBC Council Leader said she would not give contracts to blacklisting firms? I shall update with the response, should it not been deemed “vexatious” to ask.

10 Dec 2013, at 20:33

Dear FoI Officer, SMBC
Please let me have all details of the Tendering Evaluation Process for the M56 to A6 roadscheme.

Many thanks


Road for votes compulsory purchase process

Bypass Posted on Sun, December 15, 2013 08:04

They are compulsory purchasing land for the “Cheadle Constituency Link Road” for votes and shutting side roads, even though this roadscheme is likely to fail at public inquiry. More public money thrown away on this LibDem vanity project!

If you have a valid reason to object, then the link above might be of assistance to you.

What Roberts claims, followed by the truth

Bypass Posted on Wed, November 20, 2013 17:35

“Dear XXXX

Thank you for getting in touch – I appreciate that whilst the vast majority of residents support the scheme and the many benefits it will bring, not everyone does, and we are following the correct democratic processes to ensure everyone can have their say.

However, I must correct you on your last statement. PAULA are wrongly claiming that alternative plans were drawn up and not consulted on. They know that this is entirely untrue as it was them who came to the Council with the alternative route after the last consultation. The Council did some work to look at it, and in doing so found it had numerous issues that made it entirely unsuitable. That PAULA are now misleading people about this concerns me.

Best wishes,


“Well, the plans were drawn up, signed off by a Chartered Engineer but not put forward to the residents for their views.

PAULA did suggest a route to the South of Carr Wood which would have protected the wood according to the advice from the Woodland Trust, as well as being much cheaper (one junction replaces three) and much more resident friendly. But the Council never took the advice of the Woodland Trust presumably relying on the advice of their consultants who had previously managed to omit the protected status of Carr Wood from their environmental maps and scoping report. They may say Natural England were also consulted but they sent them these same incorrect documents.

Let’s face it, why would the Council expend time and effort producing controlled drawings for PAULA? Most of their published drawings have no sign off or revision history and are often marked draft. Far more likely is that very late in the day, they now appreciate they will have to make a case for destroying ancient woodland. They will have to argue on the basis that the alternative route is not an ideal alignment for extending up to Bredbury. However this presumes there is a good case for the extension.

On the grounds of air quality alone an extension to Bredbury looks dead in the water. Air quality considerations have already scotched plans for using the hard shoulder between junction 8 and 18 on the M60. When the A6/Airport opens the traffic rises from 25,000 to 60,000 vehicles per day. The Council estimates that as a result, NO2 pollution will exceed the Directive limits. The corridor will have to be declared an air quality management area with an obligation to lower the pollution levels well below the limits. If the road is extended to Bredbury there would be a further huge influx of traffic so it is very unlikely to gain planning permission. In fact the A555 might have been declared an AQMA in 2009 following measurements that year but the results were not widely published and kept separate from other results in the borough contrary to the principles of open disclosure championed in the Directive.”

Roberts has no idea where Cheadle Constituency Link Road is – doh!

Bypass Posted on Tue, November 19, 2013 18:52

Councillor Robers has no idea where the Cheadle Constituency Link Road is. It is the one mentioned in this Financial Times article:-

“Danny Alexander personally intervened over a new £300m pound road running through a marginal Liberal Democrat constituency, a project that was approved even though a business case for it had not been completed.”

Roberts has no idea where Cheadle Constitunency Link Road is – doh!

Bypass Posted on Tue, November 19, 2013 18:52

Councillor Robers has no idea where the Cheadle Constituency Link Road is. It is the one mentioned in this Financial Times article:-

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