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Stockport Council News

Commercial hub at Manchester Airport will suck the life out of Stockport’s economy

Bypass Posted on Sun, April 14, 2013 07:23

George Osborne was advised by a team of experts NOT to create a commercial hub at Manchester Airport, as it would have a negative impact on nearby town centres. Stockport will be forced to spend massively to compete, and they have already begun at Grand Central.

Why wasn’t rail giving any consideration?

Bypass Posted on Sun, April 14, 2013 07:08

What a pity SMBC never bother to consider rail transport. Obviously, they are worried that Airport City will deplete commerce from Stockport. Commercial development next to Stockport Station might be a good idea, but Stockport is on the wrong line for the airport. So, it takes 40 minutes from Stockport but only 20 minutes from Piccadilly.

The Stockport line actually goes underneath the A555 just before Wilsmlow Road, so they could have extended a spur into the airport along the proposed A555 route. Stockport is much closer to the airport than Manchester (5m/8m) and a train from Stockport might take only 12 minutes if they built a rail spur – much faster than taking the motorway; the proposed A555 is probably the slowest route. The Stockport/ Wilmslow track is electrified. So, fast electric trains would help alleviate the air pollution burden along the A555 corridor.

Pity SMBC never did a Web tag analysis of new rail routes despite spending £20m+ on their multimodal study.

Stephen Houston

Six year programme of £78million of cuts, but loads of money spare for the bypass

Bypass Posted on Wed, April 03, 2013 20:51

£78 million of cuts to jobs and services over the next six years, but £2.5 million to be spent on the bypass work over the next two years, nearly all going to outside consultants!—stockport-council-meeting-1720313

Children’s Centres hit but plenty of money for the bypass

Bypass Posted on Wed, April 03, 2013 20:45

Priorities eh!

Secrecy over the bypass – what else do we ever get?

Bypass Posted on Wed, April 03, 2013 18:16

I asked to see the bypass meeting minutes. They have them all in one place. They have let me have them before. They have to keep them secret or we will find out what a Schweinerei they are making of it, as they do with everything.

Dear Mrs Oliver,

I am writing in response to your request for information (ref FOI 6444).

The relevant Council Service(s) has searched for the requested information and our response is as follows.

The initial request would result in over 18 hours of officer time. We asked for clarification/refinement which we hoped would have reduced the time element. As the clarification you provided was for ‘all minutes’ this did not refine the request.

Therefore the information you have requested in this request is exempt from disclosure under Section 12 (Fees) of the Freedom of Information Act.

It is anticipated that this request alone would take in excess of 40 hours to locate and retrieve the requested information. This on its own would be in excess of the fees limit, also when aggregated with your previous recent requests on the SEMMMS project this would be far in excess of the appropriate limit.

Simon Oldfield

Freedom of Information/ Data Protection Officer & RIPA Coordinator

Stockport Council

No more questions re the bypass!

Bypass Posted on Sat, March 30, 2013 15:03

So, the incompetents, who tried bring us a £1 billion PFI bypass, overlooked £4.7 million at SK Solutions, have given us NPS Stockport which currently is £1.5 million in the red with little chance of recovery, who gave us the mess at Offerton Precinct and at Blackstone, don’t want anyone looking over their shoulders regards a project worth hundreds of millions of pounds. Is it any wonder they don’t welcome scrutiny given their past track record?

“The information you have requested cannot be located and retrieved within the appropriate limit of 18 hours (£450) set by the Fee’s Regulation under Section 12 of the FOI Act……..”

Council employing solicitor to work on the bypass

Bypass Posted on Fri, March 22, 2013 15:40

Conveyancing Solicitor – Ref: EX 20870
Stockport Council
Salary: £33,661 to £38,961
Working Pattern: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed Term
Closing Date: 26/03/2013
This is a temporary solicitor/barrister post for a fixed term of 24 months to handle the property work from the SEMMMS Road Scheme and capital development projects.

But jobs and services are being cut.

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