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Stockport Council News

Baroness Williams does nothing about this LibDem abuse

Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, May 21, 2013 18:26

Just some of the people I told what was happening to Mike Parnell 16th March 2011 –

WILLIAMS, Baroness <>; UK Uncut <>; STUNELL, Andrew <>; Stockport CPS <>; ST2 York <>; <>; <>; Peter Jones (Business Services) <>; Peter Devine <>; Paul Moss <>; Paul Gallagher <>; paul dacre <>; Office of Chris Davies MEP <>; Michael Parnell <>; <>; Mark Wallace <>; lib dem leader <>; LEECH, John <>; Leader <>; <>; Jennifer Williams <>; Jennifer Williams <>; HUNTER, Mark <>; Hazel Lees <>; Granada Reports <Granada.Reports@ITV.COM>; gordon brown <>; Ged Lucas <>; Eric Pickles <>; Democratic Services <>; david cameron <>; Craig Ainsworth <>; Councillor Paul Murphy <>; Councillor Jackie Pearcey <>; <>; <>; Cllr Stuart Bodsworth <>; Cllr Mick Jones <>; Cllr Martin Candler <>; Cllr Mark Weldon <>; Cllr Les Jones(EXT) <>; Cllr Kevin Hogg <>; Cllr John Smith <>; Cllr John Pantall <>; Cllr Helen Foster-Grime <>; Cllr David White <>; Cllr Dave Goddard <>; Cllr Colin Foster(EXT) <>; Cllr Christine Corris <>; Cllr Ann Smith <>; CLEGG, Nick <>; Claire Naven <>; <>; cheadle conservatives <> Caroline Lucas <>; BRIAN BAGNALL <>; <>; Anwar Majothi <>; Annesley Abercorn <>; barry khan <>; BAKER, Norman <>; Anthony O’Neill(EXT) <>; andrew verdeille <>; Syd Lloyd <>; bailey.harding <>

Dear All

Please see the attached.

I am raising this matter with Andrew Stunell, Junior DCLG Minister and Mr Parnell’s local MP today. I shall keep you posted if he takes any action to prevent this appalling abuse of police time and human rights. He hasn’t lifted a finger to help Mr Parnell so far.

Kind regards


Compromise agreements

Ged Lucas Posted on Tue, May 21, 2013 17:58

FOIA response to 7164 and 7165:

Over the past two years to end of March 2013:

1) How many “compromise agreements” have been signed?


2) What evidence exists that employees access “independent” advice?

The signature of a solicitor on the compromise agreement and receipt of their invoice. Independent legal advice is a requirement within the compromise agreement itself.

3) Can the council guarantee that they do not provide any advice as to where employees should seek advice regarding such agreements?

We do not provide advice or recommendations. However, some employees do ask for the names of solicitors other employees have used, in which case we direct them to their own trade unions for advice and provide a list, but we are clear that this does not constitute a recommendation and they can choose whichever solicitor/legal adviser they wish, and it is their responsibility to ensure they are fully aware of what the charges will be.

4) Are redundancy payments calculated under a standard format or are there circumstances where this might be varied?

Yes they are calculated to a standard formula.

We can confirm that Section 43 J of the Employment Right Act has always prevented matters concerning protected disclosures (known as ‘whistleblowing’) from being silenced by a confidentiality clause, therefore the council would always have been prevented from enforcing this if it was breached by the employee, under these circumstances. As employees take legal advice before signing the agreement, this is something they should be aware of.