Could the LibDem Leader have been any more delighted? Why were the CPS pushing (and pushing they were and I witnessed it) for what they knew to be a very sick man to be imprisoned? Mr Parnell went to tough Manchester prison – Forest Bank. Because the other prisoners knew his case involved children and because he was so sick he immediately went to the prison hospital, the prisoners believed he was a paedophile and he was treated as such in prison.

Eventually the prison warders and other prisoners came to know, believe and respect him and they treated him accordingly.

Given that the Council had previously helped drive vulnerable people to suicide, did any of the LibDems in power consider the effect that Mr Parnell’s imprisonment would have on his already troubled daughters and his lovely wife?

Mr Andrew Webb, Director of Children’s Services, is paid circa £142,000 per annum to sort out problems like this. Why didn’t he? Why didn’t the complaints officer Mr Anwar Majothi, whose antics merit an entire page on my website?

I offered to sort out Mr Parnell’s problems in circa 2005, and I could have sorted them out. The Council chose instead to pursue this vicious and vindictive course of action against a complely innocent and gentle man and his family.

This document can be more clearly read at –

Mr Majothi’s page on my website –