At the 3 day, £10,000 per day Crown Court appeal, the original CCTV was shown, it did cover the scene of the incident, there was no sneeze, the Council security guards perjured themselves in court and Mr Parnell was aquitted, although the CPS continued to allow him to be punished for a crime of which he had been acquitted.
“No man is punishable or can be lawfully made to suffer in body or goods except from a distinct breach of the law established by ordinary courts of the land.” A V Dicey
Greater Manchester CPS should hang their heads in shame and take a forensic look at how they operate, wasting possibly hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ pounds in pursuing a vicious vendetta against a completely innocent man, as the Police now admit, on behalf of very grubby local politicians and senior council officers who had a legal duty to assist this man.
05 October 2009 14:10
Dear Mrs Oliver
Further to your e-mail of 28th September 2009, I note the contents. The original CCTV did not cover the scene of the incident. Mr Parnell was convicted after the Court heard evidence from the witnesses involved in this incident.
Yours sincerely
Cheryl Hramiak
Branch Crown Prosecutor
Salford/Stockport/Trafford Branch