23 May 2009 09:45


Dear Chief Constable

I have now had a stalling reply from Stockport’s
police commander. If an effort is being made to make out that Mr Parnell is mad
– and I can assure you he isn’t – then I must point out the case of the lady who
jumped off the Humber Bridge with her 9-year-old autistic son. Stockport
Council issued an-after-the-event report pointing out that she was mad. I doubt
it, somehow, but driven to suicide by Stockport Council is a definite
possibility. I am trying to establish the facts in that case and the issue is
with the Information Commission currently. I have to point out that any
inference on behalf of the police that Mr. Parnell is in any way mentally
unstable will be vehemently disputed.

What an utter waste of police time this has all
been – especially the incident of calling the police when he made one comment
from the public gallery at a full council meeting and not one council officer
would remain to explain to the police why they had been called. That would seem
to me to be a criminal offence of wasting police time.

We will get to the bottom of all this however long
it takes.

May I respectfully suggest that the Council are
told to sort out this gentleman’s problems with regards to his human rights and
his adopted daughters’ human rights and stop wasting police and court

I shall cc this to the local press and the Editor
of the Guardian for their information.

Kind regards
