C Hramiak, CPS – not a lot of use.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, May 25, 2021 16:53- Comments(0) https://blogging.sheilaoliver.org/?p=3318
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CPS officially made aware of what Stockport Crown Prosecution Service was up to. They just carried on with the abuses.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, May 25, 2021 16:45Dear Mrs Oliver,
Thank you for your emails.
I have passed your correspondence to Mr John Holt, the Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS Greater Manchester. He will arrange for a reply to be sent to you as soon as possible.
I trust that this assists.
Yours sincerely,
Correspondence Unit
Crown Prosecution Service
50 Ludgate Hill, London, EC4M 7EX
Tel: 020 7796 8500
Fax: 020 7796 8680
From: Sheila Oliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 13 September 2009 18:46
To: strawj@parliament.uk
Cc: Complaints; barry khan; BAKER, Norman; Chief.Constable@gmp.police.uk; Cllr Dave Goddard; Cllr David White; Cllr Mark Weldon; Cllr Stuart Bodsworth; cllr.sue.derbyshire@stockport.gov.uk; John Schultz; martin.candler@stockport.gov.uk; Anwar Majothi; cleggn@parliament.uk; STUNELL, Andrew; cablev@parliament.uk; camerond@parliament.uk; browng@parliament.uk
Subject: Banned from the town for a sneeze and sent to prison twice
Dear Minister for Justice
Mr Parnell, our gentle, peaceful town hall protester, got nowhere over a decade in dealing with the truly useless complaints department of Stockport Council regarding counselling for his troubled adopted daughters, so he stood on the town hall steps for two years in a peaceful protest. He was continually harassed by some council employees, who called the police to him 90 times. He had a court case dropped on the day of the hearing, was then arrested 12 times, spent 4 nights in a particularly nasty Manchester prison, appeared in court charged with assault with a sneeze (pre swine flu) with intent to inflict a council employee with a cold. There is no evidence of this on the CCTV footage, which was not allowed to be shown in court. He then got a CRASBO (criminal ASBO). He was not allowed to enter the town centre. He was again arrested for using the town hall public lavatory and the police were called by the Council as an emergency for this, as the blue lights were still flashing on the police car later when I arrived at the scene. This weekend, due to an incident with his troubled daughters, he wanted to attend the police station and was reported as being in breach of his bail conditions apparently by a council employee. Mr. Parnell’s wife has heard nothing from him since and is at her wit’s end. How can anyone go to prison for the alleged offence of sneezing? How can they be sent back to prison for entering the police station?
Stockport is a corrupt LibDem council where dissent from council taxpayers is stamped upon with a vigour which would make the Stasi blush. We had the poor lady from Stockport – Alison Davies – who jumped off the Humber Bridge with her 9 -year-old autistic son. We have another 18 year old just jumped off a tower block to her death after the Council was unable to assist her following her leaving care. Mr. Parnell, his wife or his troubled adopted daughters could easily be the next suicide statistic. Andrew Stunell, his local MP, pontificates in the press about the wrong people being put in prison but is useless in offering Mr. Parnell any assistance.
Please reply, Mr. Straw. This is just as bad as the case of the poor football fan you have recently helped in such a magnificent fashion. We will be dealing with suicides here if this goes on. How utterly, utterly ludicrous for the council to have persecuted Mr Parnell in this fashion. Why couldn’t the Council just have provided him with counselling for his two troubled daughters which was what he wanted and who had a truly terrible time with their birth parents and adolescence is bringing out understandably bad behaviour in them. I must point out that Mr. Parnell says the police have been helpful and respectful and it is obvious they are being used a puppets by this corrupt council
How much has all this lunacy cost the taxpayer?
Please, please get back to me.
Mrs S J Oliver
Stockport’s Freedom of Information Campaigner
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How many people are banned by Stockport Council? They haven’t the foggiest.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Freedom of Information, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 24, 2021 07:41Email sent – Wed 10/12/2008 18:36
Dear Ms Naven
This is raising more questions than it answers. What if the vexatious council taxpayer is proved to be right by external agencies? Then she or he was correct to continue questioning and we have to acknowledge that people who have something to hide don’t want to be questioned about it.
Take me for example – as I point out to my husband I am always right. I was right in that John Schulz had to publicly apologise to me in the Express, I was right in the Harcourt Street contamination was not carried out sufficiently – the Environment Agency have demanded more investigations. I was right when I got 22 lorry loads of contaminated waste removed from the Trident Foams site. The council had to apologise when they didn’t tell the Environment Agency until three days before the planning meeting about the school they are proposing to build on a still gassing toxic waste dump and I had a hand in exposing that, the Department for Children’s Schools and Families laywers are worried that SMBC did not consider the human rights of local residents at Harcourt Street, which I pointed out, I will be shown to be right about the waste of millions of pounds at Harcourt Street and I have the backing of hundreds and hundreds of local people, as I have repeatedly shown. So you see, independent review by a senior council officer doesn’t really cut the mustard does it?
I look forward to your comments.
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: FOI Officer
To: sheilaoliver
Cc: FOI Officer
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 5:23 PM
Subject: RE: Banned council taxpayers – Ref 1379 – Additional response
Dear Mrs Oliver,
I am writing further to your additional request for information below.
Please find attached the Council’s ‘Policy on unacceptable actions by complainants’. You may also find the information at the following link helpful:
This takes you to ‘Getting the Best from Complaints – Social Care Complaints for Children, Young People and Others’. This is guidance which supports the Regulations governing children’s complaints and in Annexes 4 and 5, pages 45/49 it outlines actions that may be considered by Councils in dealing with persistent, unreasonably persistent complainants and on unacceptable behaviour.
Yours sincerely,
Claire Naven
Claire Naven
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
From: sheilaoliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 09 December 2008 21:40
To: FOI Officer
Cc: Peter Devine
Subject: Re: Banned council taxpayers – Ref 1379 – Response
Dear Ms Naven
Thanks for your reply. We will ignore the housing people, but I appreciate they too might be simply trying to get through the brick wall of the Council’s complaints procedure.
I am a bit mystified as to how SMBC can have banned people from communicating with the Council and from entering all Council properties (excluding schools) if you don’t know who they are, or am I missing something here?
What I suspect is that over the decades SMBC has banned possibly hundreds of people with legitimate concerns and has never troubled to un-ban them. Where this leaves SMBC with its current vexatious complaints protocol is anyone’s guess. Could you send me a copy? Many thanks if you can.
I need to have a big think about all this.
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: FOI Officer
To: sheilaoliver
Cc: FOI Officer
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: Banned council taxpayers – Ref 1379 – Response
Dear Mrs Oliver,
I am writing in response to your request for information below (ref 1379). I apologise for the delay.
You have not defined ‘…currently banned council taxpayers…’ in a way which enables us to respond fully to your request. We cannot comment on or make reference to any individual cases in our response. Information which relates to and identifies living individuals is personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998. The disclosure of personal data under these circumstances would be unfair and would contravene the first data protection principle; therefore it is exempt under section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act).
Your subjective statement could clearly incorporate a large number of different circumstances for different people; therefore when considering your request, we have defined this as relating to instances where the Council:
o has barred all forms of communication from an individual and banned them from all Council premises (excluding schools); or
o has taken other action that might, for instance, allow conditional access to premises e.g. with prior arrangements/agreement with appropriate personnel but still continue to allow communication.
With the above in mind, our response is below:
There is no central Council ‘register’ of people who fall into the above categories. If we were to attempt to provide this information, it would involve substantial amounts of work and investigation to compile information in a format not currently held. If restrictions such as those above are in place, these are likely to be done on a case-by-case basis, the details of which will be contained within individual correspondence and/or complaint files. To provide this information would require every individual team and service to read through all files which may be relevant to see if any individual falls within the above category. This also means that any figure provided has the potential to be inaccurate. Such a substantial exercise is likely to exceed the ‘appropriate limit’ of £450 i.e. 18 hours’ work (s.12 FOI Act).
In addition to the above, the Council currently has six injunctions in force which ban people from Council buildings. These are all Housing injunctions where the conduct of an individual:
a. is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a specified person (resident of a housing estate/member of staff); and
b. directly or indirectly relates to or affects the housing management functions of a relevant landlord.
We are unable to provide any further information in relation to your request in its current form.
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request you are entitled to ask for an internal review. Any internal review will be carried out by a senior member of staff who was not involved with your original request. To ask for an internal review, contact foi.officer@stockport.gov.uk in the first instance.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of any internal review, you are entitled to complain to the Information Commissioner. To do so, contact:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
01625 545 745
Yours sincerely,
Claire Naven
Claire Naven
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
From: sheilaoliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 04 November 2008 18:35
To: FOI Officer
Subject: Re: Banned council taxpayers – Ref 1379
Dear Ms Naven
Thanks for your reply. I am happy to discuss how we deal with this one – I am always willing to oblige.
For example, I presume people are banned because they present a real danger to council employees and maybe the fabric of buildings, and not simply because they are asking questions that might embarrass the Council. So, there must be a list somewhere of currently banned people, in case they turn up so the security staff can be vigilant. There should be some system, in such a well-run council, of rescinding these bans – or do they always last a lifetime? I know, please let me see the written protocol for this.
Shall we say all currently banned council taxpayers who are prevented from entering council buildings in the way it was employed against – plucking a name at random – Mr. Parnell? I am not interested in schools or colleges, as I can see there might be genuine reasons for banning people from them.
If we are talking about huge numbers here, I am happy to re-define my request. If we are talking about huge numbers here, there is something very wrong.
Lots of love
—– Original Message —–
From: FOI Officer
To: sheilaoliver
Cc: FOI Officer
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: Banned council taxpayers – Ref 1379
Dear Mrs Oliver,
I am writing in response to your request for information below (ref 1379).
We are unable to respond to your request in its current form; however if you are able to refine your request we may be able to provide some relevant information. For example: How do you define ‘banned’? This could include those where the Council has withdrawn its permission for them to enter certain buildings; it could also include those who are excluded by the terms of an injunction or those who have entered into an undertaking not to enter Council buildings. Similarly, how do you define ‘Council building’? This could include civic buildings, Council offices, schools, housing offices etc. You have also not specified a time-period to which your request relates. Consequently, your request could incorporate a vast amount of records and circumstances which means we cannot answer it as it currently stands.
If you are able to refine your request, please do so. If we do not receive this clarification within 20 working days we will assume you no longer wish to proceed and will close your case.
Yours sincerely,
Claire Naven
Claire Naven
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
From: sheilaoliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 08 October 2008 20:35
To: FOI Officer
Subject: Banned council taxpayers
Dear Ms Naven
Please may I know under the FOIA how many council taxpayers have now been banned from council buildings by this Kafkaesque council? I believe the lovely grandma with the autistic grandchild has been banned as well as Mr. Parnell. Are there any more?
Lots of love
This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. As a public body, the Council may be required to disclose this email, or any response to it, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, unless the information in it is covered by one of the exemptions in the Act.
If you receive this email in error please notify Stockport ICT, Business Services via email.query@stockport.gov.uk and then permanently remove it from your system.
Thank you.
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Andrew Stunell LibDem MP. In my experience a total waste of public money.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Freedom of Information, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 24, 2021 07:35Email sent – Tue 23/12/2008 19:52
Dear Mr Stunell
Thanks for your letter. You must pray for me so that I lose my sarcastic streak.
It is interesting that you have had issues with The Banned at Stockport. The Council has absolutely no idea how many people it has banned (documentary evidence on request).
I shall try to find Mr. Parnell, your constituent, to tell him you will help. He spends a lot of his time in police cells or court (case dropped by Stockport Council on the day of the hearing last time – he is in court again in January charged with assault with a sneeze with intent to inflict a council employee with a cold – I wonder if that will be dropped on the day of the hearing too). Ten years it has taken him to navigate Stockport’s complaints system and now he is back to the very beginning again; you really couldn’t make it up. 40 arrests too – probably more by now.
You must have read the worrying letters from aggrieved complainants in the excellent Stockport Express, in particular those from parents of disabled children. There is something seriously wrong at Stockport. I am trying to find out if that lady from Stockport who jumped off the Humber Bridge with her autistic son was a victim of the Kafkaesque processes at our council. There is no data protection for the dead, so I might get to see the documents.
In my own case I was banned for asking questions about the very strange goings on regarding the school on a toxic waste dump which is millions of pounds over budget and rising. I represent hundreds of local people, which I can prove. My official complaint regarding the funny financial goings-on with regards to that hasn’t even been acknowledged by the Council. That’s a good way to deal with complaints – ignore them.
Peace and blessings
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Emails sent to the then LibDem Leader, Nick Clegg, from me and from another concerned bystander.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, May 23, 2021 19:01Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:30 AM
Subject: FW: Your election broadcast tonight
Dear Mr Clegg,
I fully endorse Mrs Oliver’s comments – below – in respect of the dreadful treatment which is being dished out by the LibDems in Stockport, where the Lone Stockport Protestor – who protests with very good cause – has been caused (by Stockport MBC employees under the leadership of Cllr David Goddard) to be arrested over 70 times during his 2 year protest.
He doesn’t break the law yet he has been kept in jail overnight on numerous occasions, for no better reason than that Stockport Council will not perform its duties towards troubled and disabled children.
With Police Forces acting as no more than political lap dogs, refusing to investigate killings, it is staggering to think that so much police time and effort at Stockport has been put into intimidating and harassing one well-dressed, polite, quietly spoken man who has a legitimate right to protest – and very good cause to do so.
Under this LibDem Council, various parents have been deliberately treated as if they are no more than a nuisance when their children have been badly treated over years by the so-called Children and Young People’s Disability Partnership, which is run by out-of-control social workers who lie, falsify and deliberately damage children – and their senior officers collude with this……..
These people are bolstered by the rude and insulting Council Leader, David Goddard and a coterie of cover-up merchants on the LibDem Council benches, who show that they have no intention of changing the rotten treatment meted out to disabled and disturbed children and the parents of such children. Their Scrutiny Committees are no more than a bad joke, politely accepting blatant untruths from paid employees instead of carefully scrutinising their actions and insisting that they adequately serve the paying public instead of themselves; and refusing to insist that they abide by the Data Protection Act, Disability Discrimination Acts and other Acts which in theory protect the right of disabled children to exist in peaceful and encouraging circumstances, as they have every right to do.
With the European Convention on Human Rights being constantly flouted, the Data Protection Act 1998 and Statutory Instrument 2006 No 1738 (Children’s Social Care Complaints procedure being constantly ignored, is it any wonder that parents are up in arms about their dealings with Stockport MBC? This council totally ignored SI 2006 No 1738 between 01 September 2006 and December 2008 – and when this is pointed out and evidence is produced, they ‘brass it out’. Their employees are still refusing to comply in any legally accepted sense with that SI.
Please don’t make speeches stating that everything in the LibDem Garden is rosy. It is not. In Stockport it stinks.
Yours sincerely,
(name and address removed by Sheila Oliver)
—–Original Message—–
From: Sheila Oliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 7:04 PM
To: cleggn@parliament.uk
leader@stockport.gov.uk; stunella@parliament.uk; hunterm@parliament.uk; John Schultz; Chief.Constable@gmp.police.uk
Subject: Your election broadcast tonight
Dear Mr Clegg
It beggars belief that you can pontificate about civil liberties in your election broadcast tonight, given what is going on here in LibDem Stockport…….
Names, addresses and signatures of council taxpayers deliberately left up on the Council’s website in contravention of Data Protection legislation and only removed when the police and Information Commission were contacted.
Council taxpayers publicly branded as liars and rude and offensive with no evidence ever being produced, despite it being asked for repeatedly over a period of years, parents of disabled children having their signatures forged on care documents and those documents being altered – and then the 70 plus times the police have been called to our gentle, peaceful town hall protestor, who only wants some help with his troubled adopted daughters, which he has been asking for for a decade without success.
Civil liberties, Mr. Clegg – it would be funny if it wasn’t actually tragedy.
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Mr Parnell had to wait around for the police to come to arrest him after they were summoned by LibDem Councillors who themselves slithered off home. You really couldn’t make it up.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, May 23, 2021 18:53Email sent – Mon 11/05/2009 17:34
Dear Ms Naven
Ah well, it would seem what goes around comes around. It is actually illegal to have summoned the police to a peaceful protester at all. To have done so 70 times would seem a little de trop, don’t you think?
If this is a complicated request to deal with, then SMBC have made it so by their actions.
For example, on the night of the full council meeting when Councillor Derbyshire sneezed and in a Walter Wolfgang moment Mr. Parnell said from the public gallery:- “Arrest that Councillor”. (you will, of course, recall that he is in court on May 14th charged with assault with a sneeze with intent to inflict a council employee with a cold), whose decision was it to call the police that night? The public has a right to heckle. Who decided to waste police time with this trivial matter? Whoever it was couldn’t be bothered to wait around till the police came, so Mr. Parnell had to stand alone outside the Town Hall to wait for the police to come in order to explain to them why they had been called. You really, really couldn’t make it up, could you?
So, as I personally am never interested in bringing the footsoldiers to account but rather the highly paid senior officers, I would like to see evidence of any senior council officer’s involvement in this case – which is the calling of the police to the peaceful town hall protester around 70 times. I think that is a reasonable request. If the Council doesn’t want to deal with such requests, then it shouldn’t keep breaking the law and repeatedly calling the police to a peaceful protester.
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: FOI Officer
To: Sheila Oliver
Cc: FOI Officer
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:08 PM
Subject: RE: FOI request re ‘Town Hall Protester’ – Ref 1831 – Acknowledgement
Dear Mrs Oliver,
Thank you for your request for information below which has been given reference FOI 1831. Please quote this on any correspondence regarding your request.
Please clarify exactly what information you are requesting. You state you are requesting ‘any documents regarding the town hall protestor and the summoning of the police to him I believe 70 times’; however this is a very broad request. Please specify what type of information you are requesting in relation to this matter to enable us to deal with your request. Once we receive this clarification, Stockport Council will respond to your request within 20 working days. If there will be a charge for disbursements e.g. photocopying in order to provide the information, we will inform you as soon as possible to see if you wish to proceed; however such charges are usually waived if they amount to less than £10.
Yours sincerely,
Claire Naven
Claire Naven
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
From: Sheila Oliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 06 May 2009 17:52
To: FOI Officer
Subject: Re: Data Protection – Ref 1802 – Acknowledgement
Dear Ms Naven
It most certainly doesn’t clarify the situation. I have asked FOI questions regarding SEMMMS. I have never had the courtesy of an acknowledgment, never mind a reply.
Do try not to make things up as you go along – I have all the evidence.
As you have now stated I can ask anything, I would like to see any documents regarding the town hall protestor and the summoning of the police to him I believe 70 times. Any background emails, minutes, letters, memos, etc, handwritten notes of telephone calls or meetings.
I would also like any evidence of my rude and offensive behaviour – I have been asking for this for years.
Lots of love
Stockport Council is officially one of the best in the country.
Awarded four stars and improving strongly by the Audit Commission March 2009.
This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. As a public body, the Council may be required to disclose this email, or any response to it, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, unless the information in it is covered by one of the exemptions in the Act.
If you receive this email in error please notify Stockport ICT, Business Services via email.query@stockport.gov.uk and then permanently remove it from your system.
Thank you.
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Whatever they get up to Stockport Councillors are exonerated.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, May 23, 2021 18:41Many thanks.
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: Jonathan Vali
To: Sheila Oliver
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: Cllr Goddard
Mrs Oliver
All complaints about Councillors are referred to the Monitoring Officer, who oversees their progress through the Standards Committee mechanism. I have therefore referred your email to him.
Jonathan Vali
Principal Democratic Services Officer
Chief Executive’s Directorate
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
( 0161 474 3201
Fax: 0161 474 3240
* jonathan.vali@stockport.gov.uk
Please visit our website….click here
From: Sheila Oliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 20 May 2009 19:27
To: Jonathan Valipeter.devine@gmwn.co.u
Subject: Cllr Goddard
Dear Mr Vali
Thanks for your helpful letter dated 30th April 2009.
I can’t find another contact address for Democratic Services, so I am sending this to you. If you are the wrong person, please forward it.
Councillor Goddard has repeatedly before witnesses called me a liar in council meetings. I have asked him to provide proof but he hasn’t. Councillors aren’t allowed to call each other liars, so why can he make unsubstantiated allegations about me? I find that galling especially from someone who has been named under parliamentary privilege.
I submitted a complaint to the Chair of the Standards Committee some time ago but have heard nothing. Would you please let me know where in the complaints system this currently is. I am guessing you should look in the wastepaper baskets.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Stockport Council is officially one of the best in the country.
Awarded four stars and improving strongly by the Audit Commission March 2009.
This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. As a public body, the Council may be required to disclose this email, or any response to it, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, unless the information in it is covered by one of the exemptions in the Act.
If you receive this email in error please notify Stockport ICT, Business Services via email.query@stockport.gov.uk and then permanently remove it from your system.
Thank you.
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Andrew Webb was in charge when this happened too. Stockport Council promised to help people who came to them requesting help for children at the Serious Case Review. Just what Mr Parnell did and they illegally imprisoned him.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, May 23, 2021 17:22- Comments(0) https://blogging.sheilaoliver.org/?p=3297
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