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Stockport Council News

Human rights loving LibDems

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 08:40

“Tue 4th January 2011 this was the first day the Fred Perry House was opened to the public, I walked passed and the council phoned the police and they were searching for me.

The next day I stopped outside to talk to someone who told me about the day before then within 5 minutes the police came and arrested me 2 oclock – three police vehicles. They took me to Cheadle Heath police station held me until 23:45 hrs. Released no charge but on police bail to go back 19th Jan. On Tue 11th went into Fred Perry House to contact welfare rights office and was again after only 5 minutes being there arrested at 1 oclock. Released 19:30hrs. Police taking no further action. When will the council stop victimising me…? They say in this their film this building is to be accessable to all people….


Using Criminal ASBOs to stifle dissent in the LibDem Utopia that is Stockport

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 08:27

The LibDems used a Criminal ASBO, of which Mr Parnell was acquitted in a 3 day, £10,000 per day, Crown Court Appeal but which is still in place even though he was found innocent of the alleged crime, to prevent him moving about the town – the streets he could go down and the areas he could visit were very limited by the CRASBO. He was placed under 2 years 8am to 8pm house arrest, so he couldn’t even visit his dentist. He couldn’t visit his elderly mother on Christmas Day.

Almost every time he went back to court he was up in front of Judge Bernard Lever, so no fresh pair of eyes ever looked at his case.

Stockport Council falsly accused him of council tax arrears. Stockport Council didn’t respond to his letters. If he went into Fred Perry House to try to access Citizens Advice or to speak to the Council about his falsified council tax arrears, he faced 5 years in prison for each breach of the CRASBO not to enter Fred Perry House – a CRASBO for a crime of which he had been acquitted at the Crown Court.

Incidentally, his CRASBO says he should not enter Ponsonby House, which has now been demolished and Fred Perry House built on the site. Someone called John Derbyshire at the Crown Prosecution Service says that Fred Perrry House is merely the re-named old Ponsonby House (at a cost of £12 million)

Go away you sad little man, you’re gay!

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 08:01

How Stockport Council employees treat completely innocent council taxpayers. LibDems Stunell, Hunter and all the exclusively LibDem Executive at Stockport think this is perfectly acceptable behaviour.

Instead of leaving the security guards to sort out the problem, why didn’t the Council Solicitor, Barry Khan, or the Complaints Officer, Anwar Majothi simply do their jobs and sort out this man’s problem? Why didn’t the LibDem Executive Councillors who saw him at every meeting when he was not in prison? Why didn’t his Holier than Thou MP, LibDem Andrew Stunell?

Mr Parnell just wanted counselling for his lovely, troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council. How much would that have cost? How much have the hundreds of custodies, dozens of arrests, court cases, appeals cost the taxpayer? Are any of these people fit to hold public office? I often wonder.

LibDem Councillor Roberts won’t help

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 07:48

There is video evidence of a council employee threatening to kick Mr Parnell’s head in and kill him, but LibDem Executive Councillor Roberts is unconcerned about this behaviour.

“Councillor Roberts

I tried yesterday 25th March 2013 at Fred Perry House but the police would not receive the reporting of crime about the employee of the council, as they would also not do in the past. There is a Rule of Law that no one is above the law, but justice needs to be seen that it is being done or public confidence would be lost.

My trust is being eroded where should I turn for any help or should I just give up our rights and not live the life we all deserve?

Hate crime can be reported by anyone not just the victims, so can you help now that I made you aware and the need to report hate crimes in the community?


“Dear Mr Parnell

If you believe you are the victim of a crime, you should report it to
the police.

Best wishes,


Cllr Iain Roberts
Lib Dem councillor, Cheadle & Gatley ward
Executive member for Economic Development & Regeneration, Stockport Council”

Police now acting with reason

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 07:42

On 02/04/13

“Dear lighthearted folk

Just a quick hello, if you phone Stockport Council, like I did last week, you could be put on hold and left listening to a song by Snow Patrol – chasing cars, I was left for 20 minutes listening so while I was waiting I put the words to script and went and waited in Fred Perry House. I sat on the floor and while waiting played the song and lyrics on my phone, the funniest thing a lady on an internal phone was also waiting and laughed because she was listening to the same from two different sources. She liked mine best because she followed the lyrics with a smile followed by many others there who were also waiting.

A kind police desk clerk informed myself the police had been called and were on their way, so to avoid arrest might I leave before they arrived. The Council security guards were not very pleased, but it is quite ok for us to be kept waiting. Take note of the words that are sung in the lyrics the council should read and listen themselves then they will understand.

I did not get arrested and later contact the police haven’t commented they will be taking any action – only smiles the lighter side of peaceful protest make people smile and they will be on your side.

From Mike. Keep your chin up and a smile a day will keep the council at bay.”

Andrew Stunell – part of the problem

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 07:27

Andrew Stunell, LibDem MP, is certainly part of the problem here. Supposedly a Christian gentleman it is I who wouldn’t pass over on the other side regarding the Town Hall protester and not his local MP paid a large amount of our money to help such people.

Mr Parnell is recognised by the Council as a vulnerable council taxpayer (probably as the Council’s actions of hundreds of custodies, dozens of arrests, 2 years 8am to 8pm house arrest, persecution over non-existent council tax arrears drove him to attempt suicide in a police cell).

Not only has ‘caring’ Stunell done nothing to help him over perhaps a decade, he has actively tried to prevent me helping Mr Parnell.

What has been done to Mr Parnell has been witnessed by all the LibDem Executive Councillors, as Mr Parnell attended every council meeting, when not in police custody or prison, to try to get those paid to assist him to do just that. What has been done to Mr Parnell started under Mark Hunter, LibDem MP, when he was LibDem Leader of the Council. All the LibDems at Stockport know full well what has been done to this innocent, gentle man who only asked for counselling for his two troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council. They even took him to court a few weeks ago knowing he is suffering from very serious cancer – oesophogeal cancer with lymph node spread.

LibDems eh Don’t ever trust ’em!

Stockport CPS certainly part of the problem

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 07:17

“Dear Sheila
Hello, below is the reply from CPS complaints of my email sent on 14/03/2013 of why nothing was being done about notice given on 21/01/2013 at Stockport Magistrates Court.

Under s23(7) POA 1985 I was given 35 days to serve notice (which was done in 7). yet the CPS can take 3 months to do nothing, and it is then myself who’s being asked why things take so long they end up out of time.

If the CPS wait for listing, which, if it is after 7/5/2013 they won’t be able to do anything, as I will be in hospital from 4/4/2013 for approx up to 28 days
That only leaves 3 days to investigate bring charges to put before the courts so that justice could be done.


They always leave court cases hanging over him, so he is permanently under threat of being sent back to prison- this happens over every Christmas time. A form of drip, drip, drip persecution.

“Dear Mr Michael Parnell

I am in receipt of your email received via the Crown Prosecution Service Complaints and Feedback system on 25th March 2013.

In your email you refer to your contact with Greater Manchester Police Professional Standards branch. Please liaise with them about the progress of your complaint about the police.

At the conclusion of your email you refer to a recently discontinued case before Stockport Magistrates Court.

I can confirm that the court has notified us that you wish to exercise your right to have the proceedings revived; we are waiting for the matter to be listed by the court. I hope this explains the situation.

I enclose a copy of the Complaints and Feedback booklet.

Yours sincerely

Elaine Goodchild

Complaints Co-ordinator

Mr Parnell trying to help me; in the process explaining just some of what has been done to him by Stockport Council

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 07:03

“Hello How are You, please let me introduce myself my name is Michael Parnell and I am a resident of stockport and in my dealings with the Local Authority, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council I have had concerns how the council has dealt with my requests, in the need of help and for information of how and where to get that help, with the action of the council in refusing to meet their statutory duty they have unlawfully placed restrictions upon me, which were not legal and never legally backed by an enforceable court order, the council on their own say so, do ban persons who complain or ask questions which the council does not like, in my issue the council blocked my only form of access to them, my request were for the help and towards the needs of two young children that stockport placed with my wife and myself from the care system, the children were under a section 31 care order (Local Authority Care), and with not getting any help I was told to complain, waiting 9 years for a social worker is a long time and it was the children’s welfare that was most important, on the 26th june 2007 stockport council told me to be patient and wait so I did on the town hall steps each day during their opening hours, and I attended all council meetings at the town hall each night when they were held, at these meetings I meet with many others that seemed to also have a council’s unlawful ban on them, I became aware of Mrs Sheila Oliver and in the council meetings I witnessed certain treatment of her, in a full council meeting the leader of the council called her a liar, which she is not, what she was then saying is only that which the council themselves had in reports, the council’s behaviour I believe was defamatory, disgraceful and totally unacceptable in a law-biding society and Mrs Oliver does not deserve that treatment, I must inform you if you feel I am bias to Mrs Oliver this is with good cause she has in the last few years shown more support to the children than that shown ever by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, if bias is from way of support then bias can also be from the unlawfulness of how Stockport Council have behaved, Mrs Sheila Oliver has opened her heart to help and in doing so has opened herself to attack and it deeply upsets me to see the WhatDoTheyKnow .com website has suspended her account, I appeal to you that reconsider her suspension, she is a lady who is trying to help, in her support I was forwarding to her how I was being treated because I could no longer take the council’s assaults, false allegations that they kept putting to the police with all the following arrests and incarcerations while on remand and that all charges have never been brought to trial, I could no longer take the council’s treatment and I now stay in my home every day, every week and will be every year coming up now to the start of the second one, Mrs Oliver has attended my home and give me hope to carry on in my life and be it when it is made known how the council has behaved and I can leave my home without the fear what the council might do, Mrs Oliver is an advocate for myself she is only doing that for me that which I could not do for myself, but if I have to I would put My Life on the line to support Her, this lady Mrs Oliver is a good person and she should be cherished, I question the reason why her account has been suspended I have today signed up to WhatDoTheyKnow website and could not find anywhere within the site the terms and conditions of what is a question for information or how the questions are to be asked, as an example if I request information from Stockport Council as to what information does the council hold in its records on the amounts of how many times have council security guards assaulted a customer when the customer has attended a council office to provide information following that at the council’s request to do so……

Yours sincerely Michael Stewart Parnell”

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