Stockport Council put names, addresses and signatures of council taxpayers on their website. They were told in a full Council meeting one Thursday of this data protection abuse. They refused to remove the offending items. Mr Parnell went to the Council on the Friday to tell them what was happening. After it had been announced in full council meeting the day before, he was even more vulnerable to fraud due to the Council’s actions.

They had him arrested three times over that weekend for trying to get his name, address and signature removed from the Council website. They put mine up there too. Another affected council taxpayer complained to the police and the Information Commissioner the following Monday and the details were removed.

Mr Parnell tried to report a Data Protection crime against himself and found himself arrested three times over one weekend. Barry Khan, Council Solicitor, was fully aware of this and happy with it. Is Mr Khan a fit person to hold public office? Are the LibDem Executive Councillors fit people to hold public office? I often wonder.