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Stockport Council News

Gagging order on Mr Parnell

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:48

Email to the ghastly local MP – 05 January 2012 22:38

Dear Mr Stunell

I might be wrong, I often am, but it seems there is not a single document regarding the Blackstone site available to the public, except a handful of duplicate agendas.

How embarrassing would this be (if it turns out to be the case). I shall eagerly await the reply and forward it to the Daily Telegraph regarding their planning campaign. Do you remember us being able to be armchair auditors and look under the bonnet of councils? Well, not under LibDem jackboot rule in Stockport, we can’t.

Apparently Khan has offered Mr Parnell circa £9,000 in compensation for the atrocities committed against him by you lot, but when Mr Parnell wouldn’t accept a gagging order, Khan shut up. I tell you this, Mr Stunell, I did nothing wrong to Mr Parnell – quite the opposite, so I am not coughing up for compensation. If you are too lazy to do your job and your bent political cohorts are just downright dodgy, then they are the ones who should be paying compensation from their own pockets. I am going to make a huge fuss about this and any compensation could run into hundreds of thousands of pounds, or even more.

I have raised the matter with the District Auditor, a man who like you enjoys a quiet life untroubled by work distractions.



PS I heard Bert or Ernie on the Today Programme. Weedy, insignificant voices seem to be de rigeur in the LibDem pa

Mr Parnell’s MP the hypocrite Stunell

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:43

Email to Andrew Stunell, LibDem MP – 13 September 2009 19:26

I am well used to your hypocritical ways over the Goyt Valley and building in flood plains – pretending you are green and writing to the Environment Agency on flooding issue, but if Mr. Parnell or his family commit suicide over this terrible treatment he is getting, I shall hound you with your pontificating over the wrong people being in prison.

Do something for once.

Mrs Oliver

Mr Parnell was even arrested for trying to attend his own benefits tribunal at the Town Hall – corrupt LibDems!

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:39

Email sent – 14 October 2010 07.27

Dear Chief Constable

I have informed Radio 4’s Today programme about how you are happy to allow police time to be wasted in regards to Mr. Parnell. I saw police try to arrest him for leaving a council meeting early and he was arrested for trying to attend his own benefits tribunal at the town hall.

You should have done something about the Stockport Council rogues a long time ago.



Mr Parnell was even arrested for trying to attend his own benefits tribunal at the Town Hall – corrupt LibDems!

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:38

Dear Chief Constable

I have informed Radio 4’s Today programme about how you are happy to allow police time to be wasted in regards to Mr. Parnell. I saw police try to arrest him for leaving a council meeting early and he was arrested for trying to attend his own benefits tribunal at the town hall.

You should have done something about the Stockport Council rogues a long time ago.



Finally Fahy gets the arrests stopped but the corrupt council kept calling the police and wasting police time

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:36

Email sent – 06 February 2011 16:33

Dear Chief Constable

Finally, the police seem to be backing down on shutting up the enemies of corrupt council officers and councillors at Stockport.

About time, but much appreciated.

Kind regards


Council refused to let me act on Mr Parnell’s behalf. They preferred to keep arresting him.

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:33

Email sent – 17 January 2011 17:21

Dear Chief Constable

Mike Iveson, clerk to the LibDem Executive at Stockport Council, has emailed me today reiterating that nothing has changed. I can’t, therefore, be allowed to sort out Mr Parnell’s problems with the Council, which I could do in about an hour, so they will continue arresting him and wasting police time. Andrew Stunell is largely responsible for the formation of this gruesome coalition but he can’t lift a finger to help a constituent with a simple problem.

Mr Iveson said Miss McAvity, the Monitoring Officer (when there is wrongdoing at Stockport Council she’s not there) might get back to me. She has never bothered before, so I won’t hold my breath.

I shall ask Khan, the Council Solicitor, tonight at the council meeting if he will let me be an intermediary for Mr Parnell to stop this ludicrous waste of police time and resources, court time and hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ pounds, but he is quite pointless too, so not much hope there either.

I look forward to hearing from you.


A certain John Derbyshire of the CPS claims Fred Perry House is Ponsonby House simply re-named

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:31

Is this John Derbyshire related to Council Leader Sue Derbyshire? Fred Perry House is a new building built at a cost of £12 million. For the purposes of continuing to persecute Mr Parnell the CPS official would have us believe it was simply Ponsonby House re-named. Dodgy or what!

Email sent – 11 October 2012 09:11

Dear Chief Constable

As you know I have previously raised the matter of Mr. Parnell and Stockport Council with you and eventually you stopped your officers from arresting him.

I have to say that maybe your two officers who tragically lost their lives in Mottram would have been better served by you had you not allowed literally thousands of police man hours to be wasted on Mr. Parnell’s case and diverted those resources to dealing with the true crime situation in Greater Manchester. However, that is now between you and your conscience.

The matter that concerns me now is that Stockport police station is moving to Fred Perry House. Due to the – shall we say idiosyncratic – nature of senior councillors and council officers at Stockport, it is claimed that Fred Perry House is not a new building but simply a re-naming of Ponsonby House ( I know, that’s what I thought too!). Mr Parnell is banned by a Criminal ASBO, imposed on him for a crime of which he was acquitted, from entering Ponsonby House, which as we have learned has now been re-named at a cost of £12 million as Fred Perry House. If the Council arrests Mr Parnell in future on a trumped-up charge, such as leaving a council meeting early or using the town hall loo despite written permission to do so, and the police take him into Fred Perry House, then he faces 5 years in prison for each time they have him arrested (for an offence of which he was acquitted). If he goes to the new police station for any reason – to report a lost or stolen item or to hand in anything he has found – then he faces 5 years in prison for each time he enters. I have no doubt you will appreciate the lunacy of this situation brought about by the assorted fruitcakes who run Stockport Council and aided and abetted by your actions over many years.

I would be interested in any comments you wish to make about this matter, which will be posted up on my website. In the run up to the next general election, which will be a very hard-fought one, every time the LibDems mention their commitment to civil liberties in any newspaper, I shall bung up a link to my website. So, we need to sort this matter out now, as you should have done years ago, to avoid embarrassment to you and, let’s not forget, further intolerable strain being put on Mr. Parnell. I wait to hear from you.

Kind regards


Fahy was happy to let this abuse of police resources continue. Why?

Town Hall Protester Posted on Wed, October 09, 2013 18:26

Email sent – 14 May 2011 10:36

Dear Chief Constable.

Mr Parnell appears to have a restraining order for a crime of which he was acquitted; the court found the Council employees had lied.

1) Why would the police arrest someone for breaching a restraining order which presumably was unenforcable, as he had been acquitted the original offence? I wonder whether you could look into this and let me have your comments.

2) Mr Parnell’s various banning documents seem to be incorrectly filled out, with no mention of the legislation under which he was being restrained and other errors. I wonder whether you could look into this and let me have your comments.

Fortunately, the police are no longer arresting him but the Council is still calling out the police to him, to which I believe the police are obliged to respond. Stockport has lost 15 police officers. Local people are themselves being asked to act as unpaid police officers. This is all bad enough without the Council adding unnecessarily to this burden. His MP Stunell, a negotiator of the Coalition Agreement which has led to cuts in the police forces, refused to lift a finger to help him as the council wrongdoing was being carried out by his political cohorts

Mr Parnell owes no council tax arrears, he is never rude or offensive, senior council officers are paid over £100,000 per annum to sort out problems yet they have done nothing – his problem is so simple it can be sorted out in minutes. They are trying to send the bailiffs in for money he doesn’t owe and his home is at risk. If he goes to the Council to sort this out, this dubious council calls the police to arrest him on a restraining order for a crime he was acquitted of and at his trial council officers seriously lied to the court about. You really, really couldn’t make this up.

I am going to take this to the Home Secretary if I get nowhere.

I have copied this to the editors of the Daily Mail and Guardian.

I look forward to hearing from you


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