Email sent – 05 February 2011 13:11
Dear Mr Jones
Thank you very much for your very kind and helpful letter. I hope you don’t mind if I cc this email to the local press, who have kindly shown an interest in Mr. Parnell’s tragic case.
I shall discuss the matter with Mr Parnell and get back to you, as I don’t fully understand the situation yet.
I note you mention the explanation given to Mr Parnell in May 2003. I have a copy of that letter, which states:-
“Mr. Birks has advised me that the Department of Works and Pensions is not recovering the overpayment of income based on Jobseekers Allowance from you, as it was caused by official error and you could not reasonably have been expected to realise that you were being overpaid.”
As a taxpayer I am very annoyed at the possibly hundreds of thousands of pounds the failure to resolve this matter has cost me personally. I am also annoyed that a kind and peaceful gentleman has been driven to attempt suicide over this matter, has been repeatedly imprisoned, is being threatened with the bailiffs in his own home, which would leave his troubled daughters homeless.
However many letters and emails it takes from me to sort out this sorry mess, I am determined to do so and I hope you will kindly bear with me over this.
I shall also cc this to his local MP Stunell, who repeatedly refused to act on Mr. Parnell’s behalf, to Eric Pickles, Secretary of State and to Baroness Eaton of the Local Government Association, who is assuring the Secretary of State Mr Pickles that members of her organisation do not waste money on a gargantuan scale. I beg to differ.
I do hope Mr. Parnell won’t continue to be arrested whilst this matter is being sorted out, particularly as Stockport has now lost 15 police officers due to cuts, and I did try to help sort out this mess over a year ago but the Council refused to accept Mr. Parnell’s letter giving me authority to act on his behalf, for reasons it prefers to keep secret.
With very warmest best wishes