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Stockport Council News

He never lost his sense of humour

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:40

Email received – 02 April 2013 23:24

Dear lighthearted folk

Just a quick hello, if you phone stockport council like I did last week you could be put on hold and left listening to the attached song by snow patrol, I was left for 20 minutes listening so while I was waiting I put the words to script and went and waited in fred perry house I sat on the floor and while waiting played the song and lyrics on my phone, the funniest thing a lady on an internal phone was also waiting and laughed because she was listening to the same from two different sources, she liked mine best because she followed the lyrics with a smile followed by many others there who were also waiting, a kind police desk clerk informed myself the police had been called and were on their way, so to avoid arrest might I leave before they arrived, council security guards were not very pleased, but it is quite ok for us to be kept waiting, take note of the words that are sung in the lyrics the council should read and listen themselves then they will understand.

I did not get arrested and later contact the police haven’t commented they will be taking any action only smiles the lighter side of peaceful protest make people smile and they will be on your side.

From Mike. Keep your chin up and a smile a day will keep the council at bay.

Click below and enjoy


Mike said he was “learning law from a lawless council”

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:37

02 April 2013 17:33

The Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012

Stockport’s Breach of regulation, (see reg 2(5) no directions to request 12 month instalments included or written in the council tax demand.

Horrible, horrible Andrew Stunell

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:33

Email from Mike to me


Look Andrew Stunell


Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

The ghastly Andrew Stunell MP again

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:30

Email from Mike to me

“Dear Sheila

Hello Mike here, I found this guide after receiving your email.

What part is accountable to Andrew Stunell answerable to his own ledgistlation.


Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

CPS complaints procedure – useless

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:26

Email received 28 March 2013 20:51
Re CPS refusing to deal with his complaint properly

Dear Sheila

Hello, below is the reply from CPS complaints of my email sent on 14/03/2013 of why nothing was being done about notice given on 21/01/2013 at Stockport Magistrates Court.

Under s23(7) POA 1985 I was given 35 days to serve notice (which was done in 7). yet the CPS can take 3 months to do nothing, and it is then myself who’s being asked why things take so long they end up out of time.

If the CPS wait for listing, which, if it is after 7/5/2013 they won’t be able to do anything, as I will be in hospital from 4/4/2013 for approx up to 28 days

That only leaves 3 days to investigate bring charges to put before the courts so that justice could be done.

Email to Inspector Clitherow from Mike

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:23

Email sent by Mike – 28 March 2013 01:49

“Inspector Alan Clitherow

When you arrange our meeting for Tuesday 2nd April 2013 please bring to the table, the GMP policies about reporting hate crime, as with each time our contact revolves it gathers more issues, like an onion removing each layer it makes your eyes water yet when you get deep down to what is at the centre we will see that what has been the same all the way through, offences committed, crimes reported and complaints submitted, time now to investigate what is at the core of any injustices.”

Clitherow did nothing, as he had done for years.

Roberts washing his hands of what he knew had been done to him

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:20

26 Mar 2013

Dear Mr Parnell,

If you believe a crime has been committed and the police will not take your report, you should raise the issue with the complaints body within the police. Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Commissioner may be able to help if other avenues do not work.

Best wishes,


Reply from Roberts who knew exactly what was being done to him

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, October 10, 2013 20:17

26 Mar 2013 15:28:40

Dear Mr Parnell

If you believe you are the victim of a crime, you should report it to
the police.

Best wishes,


Cllr Iain Roberts
Lib Dem councillor, Cheadle & Gatley ward
Executive member for Economic Development & Regeneration, Stockport Council

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