Email sent – 27 May 2011 06:41
c.c cllr Syd Lloyd, Boylan, Khan, Derbyshire and the Council’s insurance underwriters.
Dear Mr Jones
Mr. Parnell is listed by the Council as a vulnerable person. This is the procedure that should have been followed in his case:-
He was not able to access the help available to him, such as Citizens Advice or Welfare Rights, because he was not able to enter Fred Perry House; if he did so he faced 5 years in prison. I was not allowed to act on his behalf. The restraining order was put in force for a assault of which he was acquitted at the Crown Court, where council employees were found to have lied to the court and used aggressive behaviour and language towards him – video evidence available on request. There would appear to have been no attempt to sort out his arrears, which from the documentary evidence I have seen he doesn’t even owe. I have seen none from you to suggest he does, despite many requests.
May I respectfully suggest you stop hounding him for this council tax, which he doesn’t owe anyway. The Council sent him, an innocent man, to prison, put him under a sentence of 2 years 8am to 8pm house arrest, meaning he couldn’t even visit his doctor when he was a very sick man. You even charged him £66 or £63 court costs (no consistency at SMBC) for a council tax arrears court case which he won.
I would have to question whether senior council officers and executive councillors at Stockport, such as Barry Khan, Goddard and Derbyshire, are even insurable as holders of public office.