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Stockport Council News

Lies from the LibDem Council which cost an innocent man his liberty

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, January 30, 2014 21:55

Mr Parnell was alleged by the Council to have held his nose on one side and deliberately inflicted an assault with a sneeze on a council security guard. The guard subsequently was found by the judge to have perjured himself in court and the CCTV of the incident showed there was no sneeze. Why did Khan, Council Solicitor, the police, the CPS proceed with such a ridiculous case which has cost the taxpayer thousands and when they held the CCTV evidence which showed no sneeze took place? My guess is some sort of Masonic vengeance club where they all get together to deal with each other’s enemies.

This is the medical report which showed that even if he had wanted to, due to previous operations, Mr Parnell could not possibly have carried out this ludicrous assault in this manner.

I have to question whether Council Solicitor Khan et al are suitable people to hold public office, I really do!

Mr Parnell’s complaint to the useless Ombudslady

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, January 30, 2014 21:47

This authority has and is failing in its duty to the laws and regulations of
the UK, the authority has failed the
system and is failing two vulnerable children
it has not ever performed an assessment of this, or given information
and advice and has delayed in helping this family, from the placement in April 1993 of two
children that were under a section 31 care order we have been abandoned and
left isolated and have still not yet
been assessed to our needs.

in this family we all the children, my wife and I are all going through a living
hell, and these children have become statistics of a failing system we should
all look to wellbeing of most importantly the most vulnerable the children who
cant protect themselves and deserve nothing but the best of all our help love
and care

listen to what I have been requesting and put in place the help that these
children deserve they have suffered enough in their lives lets all work
together to help me to help them so they can become valued adults and proud of

M s Parnell
27th February 2008

What did the vile LibDems do? – pile suffering upon further suffering on these girls right up to the hounding to death of their loving, adopted father in 2013.

Lord Goddard. Mr Parnell’s council tax record – a dog’s dinner by Stockport Council

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, January 30, 2014 21:30

As you can see Mr Parnell had things in his council tax account which he didn’t understand and needed explanation. Surely any of us should be allowed to query incorrect bills.

Citizen’s Advice and the Council Tax Help department were situated in Fred Perry House, a Stockport Council building. If Mr Parnell entered Fred Perry House at any time he was in breach of a Criminal Asbo placed on him for alleged assault with a sneeze of which he was acquitted in a 3 day £10,000 per day Crown Court Appeal. Even though he was acquitted, he continued to have the CRASBO enforced. What was Judge Bernard Lever thinking of – enforcing a criminal asbo for a crime of which he had been acquitted? Any breach of this CRASBO carried a 5 year prison term.

So, for the dodgies at the top of Stockport Council – the Council Solicitor, the LibDem Executive – the solution was simple. Keeping sending him outrageous council tax bills (and I mention in passing the one for £24 which he didn’t owe sent to him whilst terminally ill in Intensive Care), so when he went to Fred Perry House to try to sort it out they could have him arrested with the help of your presumably Masonic friends in the police, Magistrates’ Court and Crown Prosecution Service.

He could write, you might say, but Stockport Council never replied to Mr Parnell’s letters and were sending the bailiffs round. I tried repeatedly to act on his behalf. The Freedom of Information Officer, Claire Naven, would not accept his letter of authority and said she would write to him to obtain another one. She never wrote to him. I obtained more letters from him giving me permission to act on his behalf, but they weren’t accepted. They preferred to continue to persecute this innocent, gentle man until they drove him to his death – problem solved for them!

Khan, Majothi, Schulz, Boylan, Lucas, Weldon, Derbyshire, Jones, Candler, Roberts, Bodsworth, Goddard et al.