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Stockport Council News

Businesses starting to move away from Stockport

LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 21:45

I told Councillor Roberts that the airport bypass and Airport City would drag jobs away from Stockport. I asked a FOI questions and found out he had given no consideration whatsoever to this issue.

Well, it has started:-

Not Wanted in Hazel Grove

LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 20:28

I pay her £21,555.25 pa but she blocks me on Twitter

LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 20:17

I have no idea who this LibDem councillor is, yet she blocks me on Twitter

LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 19:47

Who on earth is Cllr Jane Brophy and why would she block me?

I pay his £10k plus councillor allowance + his £300 per day House of Lords one, yet he blocks me on Twitter

LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 19:38

Dodgy Goddard.

I pay his £24,071.70 + pa allowance but he blocks me

LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 19:35

Councillor Roberts is on Twitter as a councillor, I pay his grossly inflated councillor allowance yet he blocks me on Twitter.

Blocked by LibDem PPC Lisa Smart, but she still asks for my vote

Lisa Smart LibDem PPC Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 18:55

Don’t trust these two with our precious NHS

Stunell MP Posted on Thu, February 19, 2015 16:48

Embedded image permalinkStunell voted through the Health and Social Care act. Don’t trust him.