An open letter to Lords Rennard, Carlisle, Ashdown, Steele

By recorded delivery (because LibDems don’t receive letters)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Lords

I wish to draw to your attention the behaviour of your political cohorts at Stockport.  I assume you will take no action, but there will be a public record that you were informed.

Mr Michael Parnell died aged 58 after what he and his family believe (with good cause) to have been a prolonged and vicious vendetta against him by the Stockport LibDems.  Mr Parnell was asking for a decade for his legal right to help for his lovely, troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council.  What the LibDems did to him – Goddard, Weldon, Stunell, Hunter, Derbyshire, Roberts, Bodsworth, Candler et al means these  people are most certainly not fit to hold public office.

This is what Mr & Mrs Parnell set out as their case at an independent meeting held on 9th June 2008. At no time in the previous decade and up until his death in 2013 did they receive any help – quite the contrary!

“Mr and Mrs Parnell’s complaints are that:

1. Stockport MBC has broken the law, they have not performed their statutory duty of a Local Authority, to safeguard and promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people within its borough.

2. Stockport MBC has not appointed a permanent social worker for our children and there as been no continuity between duty social workers.

3. Stockport MBC has not performed any assessments in view of seeing what are the children’s needs in respect towards their adoption, Health, Education, Social, and Support needs.

4. Stockport MBC has no Care Plans drawn up for these looked after children in the care of this Local Authority – as a result the procedures throughout their childhood in relation to their health, education and support have failed the girls as a service not received – no chronology / no information, from or passed between all agencies and partners.

5. Stockport MBC has not supported the family when the children were younger and this has had an adverse effect on the children and their parents wellbeing, so care required now, that’s still not in place and is awaiting to be addressed, minimum help then, maximum required now.

6. Stockport MBC has failed to keep all informed of what is required and has not kept things ongoing, no reviews, just closing cases when going gets tough, professionals should be well trained when dealing with children that are looked after and to all the issues they may have.

7. Stockport MBC has failed to perform requested assessments, that this family has a statutory right to request, in failing to assess, services are not being recognised to those that are required for their best quantity of life.

8. Stockport MBC has failed to recognise the views and recommendations of the placing Borough, Wigan MBC, as to the children’s special needs which are over and above the normal, for which Mrs Parnell on behalf of the children, did receive an assisted adoption allowance that was paid in respect of the Children Act 1989 and was not in agreement to be paid under the 1991 regulations or any amendments of that Act or Regulations. Mr Parnell showed the investigators a copy of a letter from Wigan. The letter states “because of the girls emotional wellbeing, health, attachment etc”, however Wigan refuse to disclose what is the reasons of their needs as this is confidential to the children (and it is to them to be protected). This payment has impacted on Mr and Mrs Parnell’s council tax, this allowance is being means tested by Stockport, and as it is provided to help support financial costs that are over and above the normal required for a family without their given problems, is being taken away only by Stockport, it is disregarded by the Department of Health and Social Security, Department for Education and Skills, Department of Work and Pensions and the Inland Revenue, the monies are means tested to the Parnell’s income. Mr Parnell has no income and cant claim any benefits as he caring and sorting out matters concerning this adoption placement. The only income before this allowance is XXXX, only Stockport count the allowance, all other government departments, and that’s after reaffirming that they should be disregarded, they are not counted by them as income.”

It is a long and horrible story.

Lord McNally

Justice Minister

102 Petty France

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Lord McNally

Michael Stuart Parnell

Mr Parnell, whom the police admit has never committed any crime, was subjected by the LibDem  Council at Stockport to hundreds of custodies, dozens of arrests,  repeated incarceration in Forest Bank Prison, sentanced to two years 8am to 8pm house arrest and had court cases hanging over him every Christmas, often dropped on the day of the hearing.

I should be grateful if you could look into what went on in this case and report back with your findings.

There is no data protection for the dead.


Sheila Oliver