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The insurers of the LibDems and ICO should pay these potentially huge costs.

Freedom of Information, Information Commissioner, Insurance payments, LibDem Councillors, Lisa Smart LibDem PPC, North Reddish Primary School, Polluted Land, Senior council officers, Town Hall Protester, Vale View School Posted on Sat, January 11, 2025 07:33

Drazen Jaksic
Chief Executive
Zurich Insurance UK
Head Office
70 Mark Lane

Thursday, 09 January 2025

Dear Drazen Jaksic

Insurers of Stockport Council

Please listen to what I am saying.  Many years ago Stockport Council, ruled almost entirely by the LibDems, put a new primary school on a still gassing toxic waste dump – a former Jackson’s Brickyard – which you may know had appalling contamination histories.  The council refused three planning applications in the 1970s because the site was too toxic to build on.  It was decided to put a new primary school on that site, although there was another, more popular, safer site available with room for expansion.  The LibDem councillors chose to sell that off for housing and use the toxic site instead, which they tried to pretend was clean.  There was more planning corruption/fraud involved than you could shake a stick at, which is all clearly documented here:-

When I started exposing their planning corruption they had to shut me up, so they told the Information Commissioner that I was vexatious.  I had to try for years to get them to remove the contamination, which they did after a fashion, but the brown asbestos fibres were left on the site.  There are reference points on the video proving this is that site:-

The school opened in 2011.  Mesothelioma cases, as I understand it, usually take 25 years to develop.  Apart from the school children, the area is very built up.  The brown asbestos fibres they disturbed will have travelled.  When I pointed out migrant labour was removing lethal brown asbestos fibres using a bin bag and stick and that they didn’t understand their task as they took their own respirators off, I was told I was vexatious.  I have the documentary evidence.

When I gave evidence to the Information Commissioner subsequently that I had been correct in every respect, they refused to remove the vexatious branding.

So, I assume you may face potentially huge mesothelioma claims in the future.  I think the insurers of the LibDems and the Information Commissioner will have to pay towards any settlements.  I couldn’t go to the police about the corruption because of the close connection between Greater Manchester Police and Stockport Council, which is shown in the second case of corruption, which might also leave you with huge damages claims.

This paedophile –

Lord Goddard and the Stockport LibDem councillors repeatedly/maliciously imprisoned this sick, innocent, fiercely protective father of 2 lovely young girls until he died aged 58.  The same people as were involved with the toxic waste dump primary school.  Two of them, Wendy Meikle and Shan Alexander are still Executive Councillors even today.  What on earth may they be currently up to?  Mr Parnell’s and his family’s life were destroyed, all because he tried to protect his adopted daughters from the above paedophile.  I begged every LibDem Lord, MP, senior official every day to stop what was being done to him.  I said they were kicking him into his grave, which they were.  Not a single response was received from anyone.

My suggestions going forward? Have some sort of contact point for people undergoing these abuses which might leave local authority insurers with huge claims in the future.  Nip the abuses in the bud when they start.  It wouldn’t cost much to set up or run, and the potential savings for your industry could be huge.

There is, of course, the case of Mrs Luba Macpherson and Sunderland Council.  No-one did their job.  No-one listened to a concerned mother worried about her daughter.  How much might that claim cost your industry?

I shall cc this to the rogues at Stockport Council.  If they wish to dispute matters they can, but I have a very large amount of documentary evidence

I hope you listen; I really do

Yours sincerely

Sheila Oliver
Local Authority Specialist Researcher
Citizens 2022 Committee

c.c. Mr John Edwards
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House

c.c LibDems
Stockport Council

c.c. Edward Davey
LibDem Leader

My complaint to the Lords Standards Commissioner regarding Lord Goddard

LibDem Councillors, Lisa Smart LibDem PPC Posted on Thu, October 03, 2024 16:29

Dear Lords Standards

I wish to draw your attention to the actions of Lord Goddard when he was Leader of Stockport Council.  I understand that you may not be able to act on events prior to his becoming a Lord but this may apply:-

“If the complaint is about something that happened before their elevation, the House of Lords Commissioner for Standards may not have jurisdiction to investigate it, unless the behaviour has ongoing consequences or impacts their conduct as a peer.”  I believe it is unsuitable for him to contribute to the legal process in this country, given he has done so much to undermine both it and the resources of the police/courts/CPS and probation service.

The issue is regarding sick, innocent Mr Parnell RIP, who adopted two young girls who had had a terrible time with their birth parents.  At first they were getting excellent help from After Adoption, set up by the family of Lord James Timpson.  That help stopped, but Stockport Council was given a large amount of money from After Adoption to carry on this service – £60,000 I believe.  After 10 years of asking Stockport Council for counselling for his daughters, Mr Parnell stood on the Town Hall steps, sometimes night and day, until he got help for his family.  After a while the  Council started having him arrested for crimes such as using the town hall loo, which he had written permission from the Chief Executive to do, trying to leave a council meeting before the end, or the ludicrous assault with a sneeze.  The Council had CCTV showing this hadn’t happened, but Goddard and the Council refused to allow it to be shown at his magistrates’ trial.

Mr Parnell was arrested several times a day sometimes for offences such as trying to ask a council meeting question. I used to beg the councillors and police to stop.   The Bobbies sometimes listened; the councillors never did.  These are documents from some of his arrests/custodies/imprisonments:-,-arrests,-imprisonment-1.html

Lord Goddard and this LibDem Executive Councillors are shown in the Council Log asking if they can stop him protesting:-

Goddard sent me the email below and a CPS copy of Mr Parnell’s bail notice.  How did he get hold of a CPS copy of a bail notice and why send it to me?  At the time Stockport Council wouldn’t accept Mr Parnell’s letter of authority to act on his behalf. Did Goddard commit a Data Protection offence?

The John  Smith mentioned in the Council log above was a LibDem Executive Councillor and former Greater Manchester policeman and Council law enforcement officer.  It would appear that he was also a paedophile:

There were actually 2 out of 8 Stockport LibDem Executive Councillors who were caught paedophiles:

Mr Parnell was constantly being told to call the police to his daughters, who were going off the rails.  He couldn’t understand why he was being told to do that when he was trying his best to help them.  I assume the paedophile Smith, being a former policeman and GM Police having a justifiably appalling reputation, would have had access to the girls following their arrest.  Mr Parnell never had his daughters arrested.

Mr Parnell was constantly in custody, under arrest or in prison.  He was a sick man yet he wasn’t allowed to attend a medical appointment and was not allowed to contact his solicitor without their permission:

The Chair of the Magistrates, Shan Alexander,  was also a LibDem Executive Councillor and herself narrowly escaped a prison sentence :

Mr Parnell had Barrett’s Oesophagus, a pre-cancerous condition made worse by stress.  He was crying when he told me he had an operation booked for Stage 4 cancer at the  Christie Hospital in Manchester, but he was being taken to court on the same day by Goddard’s council for council tax arrears he didn’t owe.  He told me if he didn’t attend court they would take him back to prison, despite the fact that they knew he had terminal cancer.  On the day his operation was cancelled due to lack of a surgeon, he attended court and the case was thrown out in 10 minutes.

I suppose you will tell me that you can’t act, but Goddard having orchestrated the above, is not a suitable person to hold any public office.  I attach an email from Greater Manchester Police sent to me following Mr Parnell’s death at 58 admitting he had been completely innocent.

Kind regards


Are LibDem Councillors Smart/Clark willfully blind to LibDem corruption?

LibDem Councillors, Lisa Smart LibDem PPC, North Reddish Primary School, SMBC FOI, Vale View School, Vicki Bates, Monitoring Officer, Stockport Council Posted on Sat, December 02, 2023 07:45

They promised in the full council meeting of 4th of October that they would represent me. No response yet to this letter to them.

Councillor Lisa Smart/Councillor Angela Clark
Stockport Town Hall
Edward Street

Date 10/10/2023

Dear Councillor Smart/Clark

You undertook at the full council meeting at Stockport Town Hall on 4th October 2023 to represent me.  My questions have been erroneously branded as being vexatious by Stockport Council from the last time it was under Liberal Democrat control.  It was claimed that I had been rude and offensive.  The Information Commissioner decided that I had not been rude and offensive, but was asking too many questions.   I have that evidence, as does Stockport Council.  The Council has no evidence of my ever having been rude or offensive.   I need you to examine the relevant evidence yourself and decide if the questions were rude, offensive, wasting councillor/officer time or in the interests of public safety or the public purse.  I draw your attention to the relevant government advice, which was in place at the time these questions were first raised:-

It is an offence under the Fraud Act 2006 to act deliberately to cause someone (in this instance the council taxpayer) a loss.

Section 2 – Fraud by False Representation It is an offence to commit fraud by false representation. The representation must be made dishonestly. The person must make the representation with the intention of making a gain or causing loss or risk of loss to another.

  1.  You are building the Vale View School too small deliberately, I told Stockport Council.  Your question is vexatious and you are wasting our valuable time with your constant questions, they replied.

My question to the full council meeting – deemed vexatious.

  • But the Council knew in April 2006 that the school was being built too small, so why was my council meeting question on the subject deemed vexatious in February 2008?
  • The birthrate in the area was rising sharply.

The Council stated in the minutes of a meeting on 26th April 2006 that 555 pupils needed a place at Vale View School, so the above FOI response would appear to be incorrect – also an offence to give an untrue response.

  • On 10th of March 2006 the Council knew the school was being built too small.  “I stress the need for confidentiality.”
  • After the school opened it was admitted that a share of 81 million pounds would have to be spent on school places including North Reddish.

I look forward to your decision as to whether this was well-researched questioning about which nothing was done, or my being a nuisance to busy and important council officers and councillors.  It is a simple matter for you to read through this evidence.  There will be no need to drag this out over weeks and months and I look forward to your response with interest.


Sheila Oliver

c.c. Councillor David Meller

Town Hall



Councillor Roberts was made aware of the sewage problem at least as early as 2016. (Comment 5).

Cheadle Hulme raw sewage, LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, December 09, 2021 08:40


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by Lib Dem Team on 21 September, 2016

The next Cheadle Area Committee meeting starts at 6pm on Tuesday 27th September 2016. It’s in the hall at the Kingsway School (Foxland Road campus) and, as ever, everyone is welcome to come along.

Lots of projects the Lib Dem team have been working on appear on the agenda this time.

  • A petition from residents calling on the council “to fill in the puddles on the Ladybrook/Mickerbrook footpath, as the path is currently impassable”.
  • Open Forum discussion on the current anti-social behaviour causing problems in the Councillor Lane and Lavington Avenue areas. Representatives from the Council and Police will be attending.
  • Funding applications from Cheadle Village Partnership (for the Victorian Market) and Cheadle & Gatley Junior Football Club (for a storage container).
  • Planning application 62110 – extension at rear and new shop front for 7a Wilmslow Road, Cheadle.
  • Proposal to improve signage to Abney Hall Park.
  • Report on how applications for the £25,000 to reduce loneliness among over-50s is progressing.
  • Application to make Newboult Road allotments an Asset of Community Value (ACV)
  • Discussion of options to stop people driving the wrong way along Gatley Green
  • Proposal to prevent parking along a section of Wilmslow Road near the Southgate Business Park
  • Proposal for short sections of yellow lines to prevent parked vehicles blocking access on Wood Street and around the car park by St Marys Church.
  • Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Chadvil and Milton in Cheadle
  • Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Hawthorn, Cedar and Burnside in Gatley – near Gatley Primary. This is to stop people parking right on the junction, which can be a problem at the start and end of school. The proposal came from the school children themselves as part of work they have done on how to make the roads outside the school safer.
  • Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Braystan Gardens and the A34 on the South Park Road Estate to improve visibility for cars leaving the estate.
  • Proposal for double yellow lines on the inside of the sharp bend on South Park Road to avoid the road being narrowed too much by parked cars at that point.
  • Agreement between councillors as to who will lay wreaths at each Remembrance Day service on behalf of Stockport Council.

You can read the full agenda here.6 Comments

6 Responses

  1.  Alex Masidlover says:September 21, 2016 at 9:00 am“Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Hawthorn, Cedar and Burnside in Gatley – near Gatley Primary. This is to stop people parking right on the junction, which can be a problem at the start and end of school.”This might help to address the symptom of the underlying problem (if the lines are enforced!) – however, the problem is that so many parents drop their children by car and that the streets within 500m (5 mins walk) of the school are all very narrow.Could consideration be given to opening the Scholes Field Pavillion car park to Gatley Primary Parents at pick up and drop off? Obviously there won’t be enough space for all and there will still be a minority of motorists who insist on parking nearer; as 10 minutes of their time is more important than the safety of children…Reply
  2.  Lib Dem Team says:September 21, 2016 at 9:03 amHi Alex – yes. I had a meeting with the school a couple of weeks ago and using the pavilion car park was one of the options we discussed, so it’s being actively investigated.Reply
  3.  Garry says:September 25, 2016 at 10:54 amMore yellow lines… yet the ones we already have aren’t being enforced. I’ve reported to the council directly and on these communications a few times. And still the double yellow lines are flouted on Oak Road. Many days shoppers and businesses park on them, in the evenings users of the Conservative Club park on them. This takes a long stretch of already narrow road down to one lane. Exasperated by being on the junction of a main road. So before we have more, can we enforce those already in existence.Reply
  4.  Iain Roberts says:September 25, 2016 at 10:57 amHI Garry – it’s the same as everywhere, I think. Most people observe yellow lines so having them is definitely better than not. For those who ignore the rules, they risk getting a ticket. If you see the rules being broken, there’s a form you can use on the council website to ask the traffic wardens to come out.But there’s no way to physically stop people parking on yellow lines if they are willing to take the risk of getting a ticket.Reply
  5.  Julie McDonald says:September 27, 2016 at 3:50 pmGood to hear of 12 residents petition from Ladybridge Park estate around Ladybrook Valley footpath. What can you do? I’ve already had Mary Smith Stephen Watkins Healthy Rivers Trust Greenspace EA out there and meeting 1/7/16 looking at state of matters including holes in bridge at Warwick Close. I’ve received repeated requests from dog walkers for works to be done which I’ve passed to Mary Smiths office. There’s also a serious problem of sewerage within the water and banks of the brook resultant from CSO’s there’s 11 of them in a 9km stretch. I’m waiting on responses from EA under FOIA and brook pollution from several other sources is expected to be covered shortly by TV early October.Reply
    •  Lib Dem Team says:September 27, 2016 at 8:26 pmThere’s a positive response on the state of the path: the council is hoping to properly resurface and widen it next year with money from the Cycle City Ambition Grant.Reply

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Stockport LibDems pretend they care after years of ignoring local people on this matter.

Cheadle Hulme raw sewage, LibDem Councillors Posted on Tue, December 07, 2021 18:04

Local people have been asking the LibDem councillors for years and years to deal with this. Now, they decide to act.

LibDem Lord Rennard.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, June 06, 2021 16:05

Dear Sheila Oliver,

I am very sorry that you feel this way.

You have, of course, contacted me via this e-mail address at least once in the past (as well as advertising this address publicly).

I receive a lot of communications at my publicly available parliamentary e-mail address and I unsubscribe from those that I do not wish to hear from again.

I will of course treat this e-mail address as unsubscribed.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rennard

On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 10:38 PM, Sheila Oliver <> wrote:

Rennard,  I object to your sending me this email.  I shall complain to the Information Commissioner about it.

Sheila Oliver

From: Chris Rennard [] On Behalf Of Chris Rennard
Sent: 25 January 2018 17:14
Subject: Published today – ‘Winning Here’ My Campaign Memoirs to 2006

Published Today  WINNING HERE My Campaign Memoirs      25% discount available if you buy direct from the publishers:

Enter the code WH118 when you click through to the shopping cart page on Winning Here, to buy the hardback at £18.99 (discounted from £25) or the eBook for £15     How did the Liberal Party survive in the 1970s? Why were the Liberal Democrats formed? How did the Lib Dems fight off David Owen’s SDP? What was the story of the 13 Lib Dem parliamentary by-election successes between Eastbourne in 1990 and Dunfermline & West Fife in 2006. How did the party grow from 19 MPs to 63? How did it become ‘the second party of local government’ with over 5,000 Councillors? What were Paddy Ashdown’s dealings with Tony Blair all about? How did Charles Kennedy come to lead opposition to the Iraq War and how did the party reach the peak of its electoral successes under him, cope with his health problems and the controversy of his enforced resignation?
My insight into all these issues is described in a volume of memoirs stretching from my father’s experience as a wounded POW in WWI, being brought up by my disabled Mum after my father died, orphaned at 16 and having to finish school living in my own flat.

I started running council elections in my teens, was a successful constituency agent at 22, the Lib Dem Director of Campaigns & Elections at 29, a peer at 39, and Chief Executive at 43 when the party was at the height of its electoral successes. 

Chris Rennard January 25th 2018       Find Out More    

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Mr Lewis, Chief Executive of the Crown Prosecution Service did diddly squat too.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, June 06, 2021 13:43

Mr Peter Lewis
Chief Executive
Crown Prosecution Service
Rose Court
2 Southward Bridge

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Dear Chief Executive, CPS

I enclose a letter sent to Alison Saunders regarding serious abuses against an innocent, sick man carried out by Stockport CPS.  She asked the CPS culprits to investigate themselves, and obviously they didn’t want to.

It isn’t good, is it, given the nature of the issues being raised here.  Could I please have a proper response from you?

Yours sincerely

Sheila Oliver

c.c. Alison Saunders, DPP

c.c. The Editor
File on Four
Radio 4
Broadcasting House

Crown Prosecution Service happy for their staff to carry out abuses unchecked.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, June 06, 2021 13:36

Dear Crown Prosecution Service

Sun 18/10/2015 08:16

Re your attached letter to me.  I complained and complained and complained at the time.  The CPS allowed the illegal arrests of Mr Parnell to continue.  Before I take your refusal to respond properly back up with MS Saunders, Twitter and Radio 4, would you care to provide a proper response to the matters raised with you?


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