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How do you get a reply from Stockport Council? I have been trying for decades.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 18:17

Email sent – Mon 08/06/2009 20:02

c.c. MICHAEL PARNELL;; John Schultz

Dear Mr Khan

As Mr Parnell has shown, it is impossible to get any response from Stockport Council.

When can I have an acknowledgement of my official complaint regarding the anomalies of several million pounds sent in originally last July and when can I receive an acknowledgement of my complaint about Councillor Goddard calling me a liar in the full Council meeting without providing any proof when requested?  The Council’s Charter says a reply should be sent within 10 working days.

I might start a protest of my own outside the Town Hall until I get some sort of response from you.

I also need to know how much this entire fiasco has cost the council taxpayer in legal fees so far.



One of my replies to Mr Parnell’s horrible LibDem MP.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 18:06

Email sent – Fri 12/06/2009 19:34

Dear Mr Stunell

Thank you for your reply.  It would be nice if you could provide details of who you employ in your office, what their qualifications are and what their levels of pay are and also for what purpose the £5,000 paper folding machine was used.  If I have to rely on the Commons Fees Office, contact with the Daily Telegraph journalists or The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, then so be it.  I thought you might have learned the lesson of the past few weeks that openness and honesty is always the best policy. We shall see.

I had no expectation at any time you would help me regarding my problems with Stockport Council.  Now you have offered to do so, I shall send you all the details asap.  To have done so before and for you to send me a “I have noted your comments” letter in three months’ time would have been a waste of my efforts.

I was a sweet little thing, but prolonged contact with the Liberal Democraps has made me hard and cynical.  I shall try to atone.

Who said I don’t believe in a Supreme Being?  I believe in Councillor Goddard and he, like the Universe, is expanding exponentially.

I shall type out the details of how the Council has wronged me and let you have them.

As far as I am aware I was careful to say that Mr. Parnell had had the police called to him over 70 times.  I don’t think I said he had been arrested 40 times.  However, 9 arrests and having the police called out 70 times is a considerable waste of police time. Time after time I hear the Stepping Hill Councillors lambast the poor police representatives at SHAC for their failure to respond when local people call them.  Is it any wonder when they are having their time wasted by senior councillor officers at SMBC?

I look forward to receiving your help and your expenses details, as requested.

Email to Mr Parnell’s LibDem MP Andrew Stunell, allegedly a devout Christian but not much of the milk of human kindness in him.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 18:02

Email sent – Fri 12/06/2009 19:53

Dear Mr Stunell

Was it just me, the atheist, who didn’t pass by on the other side?  I assume in the last two years you have been to the Town Hall and seen Mr. Parnell outside – maybe even witnessed him being arrested. Did you cross over to talk to him, find out what a gentle, honest man he is and the problems he has had with the Council, or did you pass by on the other side – like the bloke in the Bible?



Think this former Council Solicitor is now in North Yorkshire – I pity those council taxpayers.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 17:56

Email sent Sat 11/07/2009 08:04

Dear Mr Khan

You know what a gentle man Mr. Parnell is because you spoke to him at length.  I will have you for what has gone on here.  You should lose your job for this and I will do my utmost to see that you do.

Please let me know whether Mr. Parnell is allowed to enter polling stations under the terms of his ridiculous CRASBO.

You remain my humble servant


They don’t reply to Freedom of Information questions at Stockport Council.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 17:07

Email sent – Wed 15/07/2009 20:36

Dear FoI Officer

How much has the legal advice cost the council taxpayer regarding the prosecutions etc. of Mr. Parnell?

How much has it been estimated his High Court appeal, should it take place, will cost the council taxpayer? I assume someone at Stockport Council has considered the appeal costs.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Email to Goddard

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 17:00

Email sent 20/07/2009 21:20

Dear Councillor Goddard

Super, the story gets bigger and bigger. Mr Parnell is just concerned about his girls.  He won’t give up. 

I wonder why no CCTV was shown at his original court hearing?  Have you seen the CCTV footage?  Who has seen the CCTV footage? I must ask a FOI about that. Pawprints – gathering pawprints.

Good to see you leafleting in Reddish tonight.  And, yes I do enjoy byelections.

Oodles of love


—– Original Message —–

From: Cllr Dave Goddard

To: sheilaoliver

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:40 PM

Subject: Mr. Parnell

Dear Sheila

Mr. Parnell was charged with breaching the ASBO on 16th and 17th July 2009 by entering the Town Hall. He appeared at Stockport Magistrates Court from custody on 18th July 2009. He was apparently adamant that he would not abide by bail conditions and so was remanded in custody to Forest Bank to appear today.

He did appear today. He pleaded not guilty and elected Crown Court trial. His next appearance is before the Magistrates on 14th September 2009. Today his solicitor applied for bail which was opposed by the CPS. The Magistrates did grant bail. I have attached the actual bail notice. His condition is not to come within 1 mile of the Town Hall. The only exception is when he is appearing in court or by prior written appointment made by his solicitor. There is no exception for attendance at any meeting within that exclusion zone and that was made clear to him. These conditions appear to be unambiguous. It is fair to say that Parnell was less than enthusiastic about these conditions.

Just keeping you in the loop.

Fondest wishes,


Ps, Glad you enjoyed the Stepping Hill by-election it makes it all worth it.

Nick Clegg (now of Facebook) was informed of what the Stockport LibDems got up to, and yet he elevated Goddard to the House of Lords.

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 16:13

To Nick Clegg

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 10:42 PM

Subject: Fw: Mr. Parnell

Dear Mr Clegg

You really need to sort out what the LibDem thugs are up to in Stockport. This is an innocent man who after trying to get his complaint dealt with by Stockport Council for a decade without success regarding help for his troubled adopted daughters decided to stand outside the Town Hall in a peaceful protest till they helped him. This is the outcome.   If the girls were still in care they could cost the council taxpayer over £70,000 pa.

Things are really, really bad in LibDem run Stockport.  I have masses of documentary evidence of what is wrong here.

Kind regards


Email to Chief Constable cc Cllr David White ; Cllr Mark Weldon ; Leader ; John Schultz ;

Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Sat, May 22, 2021 09:58

16/07/2009 07:39

Dear Chief Constable

Having spoken to Mr. Parnell regarding last night’s incident, he confirmed to me that he was treated, as almost always, with great kindness and consideration by the Stockport police officers.

I arrived shortly after the incident, the police car was parked outside the town hall with its emergency blue light still flashing, so the police were called by the Council as a matter of urgency. What had Mr. Parnell done?  – Entered the public toilet in the town hall!  While inside the town hall a police inspector was explaining to the council committee about his lack of manpower and, indeed, whilst addressing the meeting his phone went and the chap who speaks in his ear was constantly talking to him reporting incidents. What an utter waste of police time to come as an emergency to our town hall protester who has tried for a decade to get help for his troubled adopted daughters without success, has stood through all weathers outside the town hall to get some sort of solution to his problems without success but now with a  CRASBO (criminal ASBO).  I have been similarly found it impossible to deal with Stockport Council – they won’t even accept my official complaint about anomalies regarding several millions of pounds.  I have publicly been branded rude and offensive and a liar with no evidence ever being produced.  Mr Parnell can’t and won’t give up because he needs to help his daughters.

I commend your officers for their treatment, in general, of Mr Parnell.  What a scandal that they have to have their time wasted by this soi-disant four star council.

Yours sincerely


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