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Stockport Council News

And on with the details of dodgyness

Vale View School Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 20:20

“That Stockport MBC be informed that the GMC are of the opinion that the proposals for housing development at Mill Lane, Reddish are contrary to the existing development plan for the area and note with concern that the formal adoption procedure has not been applied to the draft North Reddish Local Plan.” Dated 28th April 1982

This document can be more clearly read here –

Majothi, he of the Mr Parnell oppression, deemed it “vexatious” of me to have raised this matter. Should Mr Majothi be considered a fit person to hold public office? I often wonder.
Why is it “vexatious” to point out public open space is being taken illegally?

Email sent – 23 August 2009 20:
Dear Mr Majothi

In the early 1980s I believe the land at Mill Lane/Harcourt Street, Barlow Fold was in the town plan as public open space. Housing was built on the site following a meeting held behind closed doors involving one senior council officer and one senior councillor. Greater Manchester Council did not approve the use of this land for housing and I believe no consultation was held with local people concerning the change of designation as housing land. Greater Manchester Council was very annoyed at this.

I asked a FOIA question regarding this and the information was not disclosed to me. I mentioned the question of possible corruption, as I recall, and I wanted access to the documents myself to check. It would appear that in those circumstances the Council should have disclosed those documents under its Fraud policy.

Apparently the formal adoption procedure had not been applied to the local plan

I would be very grateful if you would also look into the above.

I attach a document regarding this – I have others.

More to follow…..


Mrs Sheila Oliver

“Obvious concern over funding” but Majothi considers mentioning this “vexatious”

Vale View School Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 20:05

“8 – Obvious concern over funding. DS to looking into other possible funding sources.”(Donna Sager)

“10 – Advice required on how much of this goes into the highlight report for May’s Project Board.”This document can be more easily read here –

Email sent – 22 August 2009 18:48

Dear Mr Majothi

When I have finished sending this evidence I shall write an explanatory covering letter and send what I have sent you to the media, the Standards Board and the Audit Commission.

So, we see from the attached the “obvious concern over funding” expressed in March 2007 (when the cost was about £2.5 million cheaper than it is now) and “advice required on how much of this goes in the highlight report”


Mrs Sheila Oliver

Stockport’s Freedom of Information Campaigner

Why would Majothi lie and say it was “vexatious” of me to raise issues of lack of funding when he knew what I was saying was completely true? Defamation of character, and he needs to apologise and set the record straight.

Majothi branded me “vexatious” for raising this matter

Vale View School Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 20:01

Majothi is the dangerous man who failed to solve Mr Parnell’s simple problem year in, year out.

Email sent – 27 August 2009 20:49

Dear Mr Majothi

Another irregularity – Mr John Hill demanded a map from me to a certain scale for my village green application. So, I took a day’s holiday from my work in a busy cancer department and went to a specialist map shop in Manchester to get it. “What on earth do you want this for?” asked the lady in the shop incredulously – “it will cost over £300” (she gave me a written estimate to use as evidence). “Stockport Council demanded it for my village green claim”, I replied. There ensued much speculation as to whether Stockport Council was corrupt. A chap from a developers who has exensive experience of planning who also happened to be in the shop said Stockport Council was well known for asking people to jump through more and more ridiculous and expensive hoops until eventually they gave up. I have seen something of this kind with regards to planning.

I was furious and went to the very nice Council cartographers who said they could provide a map to the Council but not to me for £5.

Why was a asked to provide this ridiculously expensive one sheet of paper map?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Mrs S J Oliver

FOI Issues

Freedom of Information Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 18:33

Email sent to the ICO – 24 August 2009 17:03

Dear Mr Dunn

Many thanks for your response. I will get back to you should it be necessary. I really don’t want to waste any of your time – I appreciate all that the ICO does.

Regarding Harcourt Street, because of financial irregularities, in line with the Council’s Fraud and Irregularity Policy, apparently they shouldn’t have hidden any documents regarding Harcourt Street – certainly not all the financial ones – so they have completely wasted the ICO’s time again on that topic. I am going to the Audit Commission – one financial irregularity of many would appear to include a miscalculation of a quarter of a million pounds. Only in Stockport, eh!

Kind regards


24th August 2009

Case Reference Number FS50247042

Dear Mrs Oliver

I have returned from annual leave and there are 6 pieces of correspondence appended to the above case reference, on a variety of subjects. I have itemised below each piece of correspondence and provided an update as to how it is being treated.

Case reference FS50247042 deals with your request to ‘see complaints made by Alison Davies against SMBC’. You requested an internal review of the SMBC response in your email of 15/07/09 (after some clarification had been provided).

Item 1 – email from you to SMBC dated 09/08/09 is a reminder requesting the outcome of the internal review.

Item 2 – SMBC confirmed the outcome of the internal review on 18/08/09 and you responded with an email questioning the independence of the individual who carried out the review.

Item 3 – SMBC confirmed the outcome of the internal review on 18/08/09 and you responded by asking why the request was deemed vexatious.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of an internal review you can ask us to look into the matter further. In the absence of such a request I have no option to assume that the response from SMBC has satisfied your request for information and the case will remain closed.

Item 3 above also contains a reference to a Serious Case Review and a request by you to see any documents prepared by SMBC following that review. In line with other instances where you have confirmed a course of action you have taken, this information will be held on file for information only.

Item 4 – email from you to SMBC regarding the Harcourt Site, this has been copied into case reference FS50205853 which deals with Harcourt Site issues.

Item 5 – email from you to SMBC in connection with the treatment of ‘Mr Parnell’. In line with my previous correspondence dated 20/07/09 this information will be held on file for information only.

Item 6 – email from you to SMBC regarding a request for a report presented to SMBC concerning MS Davies. SMBC have confirmed they ‘do not hold’ the information you requested and in line with other such instances the information will be retained on file for information only.

Please confirm how you wish to proceed in respect of the outcome of the internal review conducted in connection with case reference number FS50247042.

Yours sincerely

Jim Dunn

FoI Case Officer

Information Commissioner – chocolate teapot?

Freedom of Information Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 18:18

Email sent to – 18 July 2010 08:54

Mr Andrew White

FoI Triage Team Leader

Dear Mr White

Please see the attached.

There is the very dangerous brown asbestos on the site. A team of specialist asbestos workers are now going to have to hand-sift the site to remove asbestos before they can carry further investigations to see how to proceed. We warned the Council about the nature of this site.

Stockport Council is refusing to disclose all information still. They refused to disclose to me that they had found brown asbestos! This is nothing more than a cover-up.

At no time have I been vexatious. What I have been is rightly concerned at their plans to endanger the lives of 550 primary school children and 50 babies and this has been proven. They tried to open the school on this site in September 2008 leaving all the brown asbestos, arsenic and lead in situ.

There is criminal negiligence here and I am beginning to wonder about kickbacks, so extensive has been the cover-up of what has been going on.

I am going to write to the Information Commission’s management board about this case. What has gone on is a complete scandal. I am not blaming the Information Commission for declaring me vexatious; you could only act on the information received, but I am going to take this to the very top to get answers about what has been going on in this, to my mind corrupt, council.

I would very much appreciate, if you think they should be answering questions, if you could tell them as soon as possible.

Kind regards


Never got a reply, rarely do!

LibDem Councillors Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 18:14

Email sent 06 October 2013 07:25

Please may I have a response to this inquiry. You will be aware that Councillor Corris is chair of the scrutiny committee investigating the Junction 25 pollution/fire incident. If there has been any wrongdoing on her or the Council’s part, I need to inform McDonald’s lawyers of this further breach of acceptable conduct.

Kind regards



Email sent – 21 July 2012 18:01

Dear Councillor Derbyshire

I may be wrong – I often am – but it seems to me Councillor Corris (female) remained on the Board of Stockport Homes after she stopped being a councillor.

I would be very grateful if you could clarify matters.

There appears, and again I might be wrong, to be a £10 million anomaly in the pension fund at Stockport Homes, so we might as well get this matter straight before we move on to that one on my website.

With very warmest best wishes


No-one would listen regarding what Andrew Webb was up to

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 18:12

Email to sent – 10 November 2012 08:07

Dear Mr Robins

I wish to raise concerns regarding Andrew Webb, a member of the Family Justice Board. He has been involved with quite shocking incidents:-

1) the persecution of an innocent council taxpayer costing hundreds of thousands of pounds – Mr Michael Parnell:-


2) An offence under the Fraud Act 2006 in deliberately building a school too small and causing the council taxpayer a multi-million pound loss. The school in question is currently operating in a legal void as I understand it, with no public liability insurance cover for anyone visiting the premises:-

I would seriously question whether this man is fit to hold any public office whatsoever.

I hope you take this matter seriously.

Kind regards

Sheila Oliver

Complaint about Andrew Webb

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, September 22, 2013 18:07

I continued to express my concern over the atrocities conducted against Mr Parnell:

Email sent to – 10 November 2012 17:24

Dear Sirs

I have grave concerns about the fitness of Andrew Webb to hold public office. He serves on many Government committees. Here is my evidence against him:-

I hope you will take this seriously. Stockport Council had the Serious Case Reviews into the cases of Andrea Adams who jumped to her death from a towerblock and Alison Davies who jumped from the Humber Bridge with her 9 year old autistic son, Ryan. In the light of the decison to help people who came to Stockport Council asking for help for vulnerable children, what has been done to the Town Hall Protester is nothing short of another scandal. Mr Webb had a legal duty to assist him and not to have him repeatedly imprisoned.

I hope you will take this seriously.

Kind regards


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