“That Stockport MBC be informed that the GMC are of the opinion that the proposals for housing development at Mill Lane, Reddish are contrary to the existing development plan for the area and note with concern that the formal adoption procedure has not been applied to the draft North Reddish Local Plan.” Dated 28th April 1982
This document can be more clearly read here – http://www.sheilaoliver.org/how-did-it-pass-planning-.html
Majothi, he of the Mr Parnell oppression, deemed it “vexatious” of me to have raised this matter. Should Mr Majothi be considered a fit person to hold public office? I often wonder.
Why is it “vexatious” to point out public open space is being taken illegally?
Email sent – 23 August 2009 20:
Dear Mr Majothi
In the early 1980s I believe the land at Mill Lane/Harcourt Street, Barlow Fold was in the town plan as public open space. Housing was built on the site following a meeting held behind closed doors involving one senior council officer and one senior councillor. Greater Manchester Council did not approve the use of this land for housing and I believe no consultation was held with local people concerning the change of designation as housing land. Greater Manchester Council was very annoyed at this.
I asked a FOIA question regarding this and the information was not disclosed to me. I mentioned the question of possible corruption, as I recall, and I wanted access to the documents myself to check. It would appear that in those circumstances the Council should have disclosed those documents under its Fraud policy.
Apparently the formal adoption procedure had not been applied to the local plan
I would be very grateful if you would also look into the above.
I attach a document regarding this – I have others.
More to follow…..
Mrs Sheila Oliver