Why did a building firm pay for Goddard to attend a Manchester City match and hospitality?
LibDem Councillors Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 19:22
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Why did I as a taxpayer have to pay for train fare and accommodation for a LibDem councillor to attend the LibDem Conference?
LibDem Councillors Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 18:55
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When LibDem councillors die, we have to pay for expensive memorials for them.
LibDem Councillors Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 18:50Memorial Service for LibDem Councillor
Council taxpayers have also had to pay for a memorial service for a councillor. This is the response I got to a Freedom of Information request:-
“Further to your FOI request, the cost of the memorial service for former Councillor Maggie Clay which was held in the Council Chamber, Stockport Town Hall on 29th June 2009 amounted to £502.50. This related to printing costs for service sheets and refreshment costs which were met from the Mayoralty budget.”
They were forced to pay it back. All I remember of this councillor was when I attended the Stepping Hill Area Committee State of the Area debate, being told by Maggie Clay: “This is not a debate, Mrs Oliver.”
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LibDems posted colour, good news stories about themselves to 126,000 homes six times a year.
LibDem Councillors, Uncategorised Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 17:53http://www.sheilaoliver.org/why-have-this-.html
“During 2010 there were 112 pages in the six issues, including a few supplements, and contained within – excluding the ‘Your council’ pages, were 17 pictures of Dave Goddard and eight pictures of Councillor John Smith. Not too far behind was Councillor Helen Foster-Grimes………………….The special edition in the March to April issue contained the
same story and pictures about getting active (and needless to say the almost obligatory picture of John Smith) as did the January to February issue.
But worst of all is the cost – a freedom of information request for the cost of the six issues published in 2010 showed the cost as £147,000 – an outrageous waste of public funds. Two a year would have meant an annual saving of £1m over ten years. What could they have done with this million pounds? This paper is just pure LibDem propaganda which is proved by the fact that it never publishes photos of a Tory Minister – onlyLibDems…. My advice would be to produce it every six months and remove all the blatant electioneering – i.e. the unnecessary photos of LibDem ministers and councillors such as John Smith with a spade (January to February issue).”
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LibDems – frightening issues
LibDem Councillors Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 17:51- Comments(0) https://blogging.sheilaoliver.org/?p=2579
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Having caused the problems for local people over years, the LibDems then try to take the Credit.
LibDem Councillors, Lisa Smart LibDem PPC, Offerton Precinct Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 17:26Meikle, Stunneybuns, Smart and Goddard. Their brass neck is astounding.

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LibDems pretending to be normal; they can’t carry it off.
LibDem Councillors Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 17:16Clegg and Hunter in Councillor Porgess’ home. What is all that about then? Has Councillor Porgess forgotten that he is a LibDem councillor then?

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The LibDems gave us this.
LibDem Councillors Posted on Mon, May 10, 2021 17:08
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