Yippee, the LibDems are not taking back control of Stockport. Faces like smacked bottoms though ;o)
LibDem Councillor Mark Hunter, Lisa Smart LibDem PPC, Uncategorised Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 19:29- Comments(0)
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Council meeting to decide whether the Stockport LibDems take back control of the town. Noooooooo.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 19:27- Comments(0)
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And more waste of money by the Stockport LibDems with their vicious vendetta.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 19:12
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More public money wasted by the Stockport LibDems.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 17:38
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He has to prove to the LibDem councillors who framed him and had him arrested for ludicrous “crimes” such as trying to leave a council meeting before the end that he has arranged to see his solicitor. Whatever these local politicians are it is certainly not liberal.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 17:35
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Mr Parnell has to have the permission of the Council to attend his solicitor as his office is in the exclusion zone Mr Parnell was not allowed to enter without permission. The LibDem councillors were informed of this but felt it was all OK.
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 17:31
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Acquitted of the crime the police admit he was innocent of, but sentenced following his acquittal. Is there some Masonic conspiracy here?
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 17:27
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And again, more public money wasted. How do the LibDems get away with these abuses?
Andrew Webb, CYPD, Anwar Majothi, Barry Khan, Eamonn Boylan, Ged Lucas, LibDem Councillors, Stunell MP, Sue Derbyshire, Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, May 20, 2021 17:23
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